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Aphaia at the FTTx Conference: tailoring regulation to national circumstances

Aphaia at the FTTx Conference: tailoring regulation to national circumstances

Aphaia’s Boštjan Makarovič was a speaker at the FTTx Summit Europe 2012 conference that took place place between 23 and 26 April in London.

The conference brought together case studies from across Europe to detail the deployment strategies and business models that telecoms and cable operators are using to ensure profitable Next Generation Access network roll-outs.


Taking into account specific national competitive circumstances

At the second day of the conference Boštjan Makarovič, Aphaia’s Chief Consultant presented a case study on how to avoid ‘one size fits all’ regulatory policies for FTTx.

FTTx, a generic term for any broadband network architecture using optical fibre, should be regulated in such a way as to take into account specific national competitive circumstances, stressed Makarovič, presenting the costs and benefits of symmetric regulation based on different levels of infrastructure competition. Mr Makarovič also presented the case for continuing asymmetric regulation of dominant players and spoke on where different geographies should matter in regulation and where not.


Apahia at the FTTx Conference

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