
Categorie: AI

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National Police Board of Finland reprimanded over data breach during facial recognition trial

The National Police Board of Finland has recently been reprimanded for unlawful processing during a facial recognition trial by the National Bureau of Investigation unit.   Finnish police have been reprimanded for the unlawful processing of special categories of personal data during a facial recognition technology trial. The National Bureau of Investigation unit which specializes

Data Governance Act agreed upon by Council of the EU

The Data Governance Act is expected to give the EU a competitive advantage in a world that is becoming increasingly data-driven.   A mandate for a Data Governance Act has recently been agreed upon by the Council of the EU, and this is expected to make data sharing easier, leading to several other benefits by

Retrospective facial recognition to be used by the London police

Retrospective facial recognition to be used by London police starting late this year or early next year.     The UK’s Metropolitan Police Service (MPS) has gotten authorization to use retrospective facial recognition technology, and will likely begin buying and using the technology as early as the end of this year. This technology has been

National AI strategy outlined by the UK

National AI strategy outlined by the UK includes plans for each sector in efforts to create a strong AI ecosystem.    The UK, in acknowledgement of the importance of AI as one of the fastest growing technologies, has outlined a national AI strategy. This integrative strategy is intended to build on the UK’s strength in

Facebook View sunglasses questioned by Irish and Italian authorities

Facebook View sunglasses questioned by the Irish and Italian authorities, regarding whether they effectively notify data subjects that they are being recorded.     A new product by Facebook in collaboration with Ray Ban, is now coming under question by European data protection authorities. The product, called “Facebook View” was introduced to the general public

Proposal for an EU AI Regulation

Proposal for an EU AI Regulation is primarily based on the perceived level of risk associated with the AI system. 

UNESCO Recommendation on AI ethics

UNESCO Recommendation on AI ethics has been agreed upon by Member States.    The Member States of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) have agreed on the draft text of a recommendation on the ethics of artificial intelligence (AI). Representatives of the Intergovernmental special committee of technical and legal experts met in

Call for a ban on facial recognition: EDPB and EDPS release a joint statement

The EDPB and EDPS have made a collaborative call for a ban on facial recognition for automated recognition in public spaces.     The EDPB and EDPS call for a ban on the use of AI for biometric identification in publicly accessible spaces. This includes facial recognition, fingerprints, DNA, voice recognition and other biometric or behavioral

Fintech and AI Ethics

As the world of Fintech evolves, the need for governance and ethics in that arena is of particular importance.    Financial Technology, or “Fintech” refers to new technology that seeks to improve and automate financial services. This technology aids in the smooth running of financial aspects of business or personal finances through the integration of

The new EU AI Regulation : leaked document reveals intentions to establish rules for high risk AI

New EU AI Regulation revealed in a recently leaked document, include several intended legislations specific to high risk AI.    The European Commission has proposed a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council aimed at governing the use, and sale of high risk AI within the European Union. In a recently leaked document,