
Categorie: EU

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Data Governance Act agreed upon by Council of the EU

The Data Governance Act is expected to give the EU a competitive advantage in a world that is becoming increasingly data-driven.   A mandate for a Data Governance Act has recently been agreed upon by the Council of the EU, and this is expected to make data sharing easier, leading to several other benefits by

Facial recognition technology use by US federal agencies

Facial Recognition Technology use: A Survey of Current and Future Uses by US Federal Agencies. Facial recognition technology use by both the public and private sector has been the topic of much debate worldwide. In Europe, in recent years, there have been calls for a ban on the use of this technology, giving authorities time

Adequacy decisions adopted for EU-UK data transfers

Adequacy decisions adopted by the European Union for the UK regarding data transfers.   The European Commission has recently adopted adequacy decisions for the United Kingdom. Since Brexit there has been some question as to the UK’s adequacy, or rather the level of protection afforded to data transfers between the EU and the UK. With

Ireland’s DPC issues guidance on vaccination statuses in the context of employment

Ireland’s DPC issues guidance on the collection of data regarding vaccination statuses  in the context of employment.    As the world slowly opens up again, and employees are being encouraged, in certain industries to move back into the workplace setting, employers are seeking guidance on what approach is best taken with regard to employee vaccination

New German law regulating eprivacy and data protection

New German law recently adopted, regulates eprivacy and data protection in telecommunications and telemedia.   Last month, German parliament adopted a new law regulating eprivacy and data protection in telecommunications and telemedia. Previously, the laws regulating German data protection contained partially contradictory provisions, which led to legal uncertainty on various matters. In the past, data

EU Cloud Code of Conduct approved by the EDPB

EU Cloud Code of Conduct approved by the EDPB to ensure GDPR compliance for the cloud industry in Europe. Two Codes of Conduct have recently been approved for the cloud industry, to ensure GDPR compliance for cloud services in Europe. Euractiv recently reported that the EDPB has approved Codes of Conduct on cloud service providers

New SCCs adopted for international data transfers

New SCCs adopted by the European Commission last week introduce more legal and privacy safeguards for data transfers.    Since the CJEU‘s Schrems II decision last July, affecting transfers outside the EU via Standard Contractual Clauses, SCC’s have been the topic of much discussion regarding data transfers. These SCCs have been used by numerous companies

CNIL authorizes experimental concert in Paris

CNIL authorizes experimental concert in Paris after a request for authorization, due to the processing of sensitive data.    As governments worldwide endeavour to reopen and boost economies affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, attempts are being made at hosting mass crowd events, something which has been disallowed in many countries since the start of the

The CNIL issues it’s opinion on vaccine passes for mass gatherings

The CNIL issues it’s opinion on the implementation and use of vaccine passes for admittance to mass crowd events in France.     As the world aims to resume somewhat normal activity during the global COVID-19 pandemic, France is considering the use of the vaccine passes or  green passes for admission to mass gatherings of at

COVID-19 travel certificates questioned by Italian DPA

COVID-19 travel certificates launch in the EU soon, however the Italian DPA has pointed out some issues that need critical attention before the rollout.    This summer, COVID-19 travel certificates or “vaccine passports” will be rolled out throughout the EU, with the official launch of this scheduled for the end of June. The majority of