
Categorie: GDPR

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New SCCs adopted for international data transfers

New SCCs adopted by the European Commission last week introduce more legal and privacy safeguards for data transfers.    Since the CJEU‘s Schrems II decision last July, affecting transfers outside the EU via Standard Contractual Clauses, SCC’s have been the topic of much discussion regarding data transfers. These SCCs have been used by numerous companies

CNIL authorizes experimental concert in Paris

CNIL authorizes experimental concert in Paris after a request for authorization, due to the processing of sensitive data.    As governments worldwide endeavour to reopen and boost economies affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, attempts are being made at hosting mass crowd events, something which has been disallowed in many countries since the start of the

AEPD fines EDP Comercializadora, S.A.U 1.5 million euros

AEPD fines EDP Comercializadora, S.A.U 1.5 million euros for two violations of the GDPR.    EDP Comercializadora, S.A.U, an electricity service provider in Spain has been fined for two violations of the GDPR. The company was found to lack sufficient technical and organizational measures to verify whether someone signing up for its services on behalf

Icelandic DPA fines InfoMentor

Icelandic DPA fines InfoMentor for a data breach affecting hundreds of children from 2019.   The Icelandic Data Protection Authority has fined the company InfoMentor EUR 23,100 for not ensuring the proper security of personal data of several data subjects, mainly affecting children. According to this report from the EDPB, in an incident reported in

CNPD ordered Statistics Portugal to suspend all data transfers within 12 hours

CNPD ordered Statistics Portugal to suspend all data transfers to a US based processor within 12 hours earlier this week. The Portuguese DPA, Comissão Nacional de Proteção de Dados or CNPD ordered Statistics Portugal (INE) to suspend all data transfers specific to their census within 12 hours, due to an inadequate level of protection for

Standard Contractual Clauses may not be enough, as suggested by recent decision by BayLDA

BayLDA, the Bavarian DPA has recently ordered a German company to cease from using Mailchimp, despite the use of Standard Contractual Clauses.   In the aftermath of the Schrems II ruling, we have seen some examples of the practical implications of this judgment. In the most recent case, the Bavarian DPA has ordered a German

Dutch DPA imposes fine for delayed report of a data breach

Dutch DPA imposes fine on international travel agency booking.com, for their delayed action in reporting a significant data breach.    Netherlands based international travel agency, Booking.com was recently hit with a fine for their delayed action in reporting a data breach. The breach was discovered on January 13, 2019, after having occurred in December of

French court ruling provides greater context to the application of “Schrems II” under the GDPR

French court ruling provides further guidance as to the application of “Schrems II”, as data hosted by subsidiary of US company is found to be protected.    France’s highest administrative court ruled earlier this month that the hosting of a booking platform for COVID-19 vaccinations on Amazon Web Service, also known as AWS, was indeed

Fine imposed by AEPD for GDPR violations

A 6 million euro fine was recently imposed on CAIXABANK by AEPD, the Spanish DPA for various breaches of the GDPR.   Late last month, the EDPB reported on a fine imposed by AEPD on Spanish multinational financial services company CAIXABANK, for GDPR violations. It was found that the company unlawfully processed clients’ personal data

Telephone marketing rules post-Brexit

Many UK businesses are planning to shift to telephone marketing. In this blog we go through the requirements that should be met in order to do it in compliance with the ePrivacy rules. UK businesses are no longer clearly protected by ePrivacy country of origin rule when marketing directly in EU countries, so many of