
Categorie: GDPR

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New agreement on EU-US data transfers

For companies which depend on cross border data transfers, some needed relief may come in the form of a new agreement on EU-US data transfers.  The European Union and the U.S. recently announced that they had reached an agreement  “in principle” on a new framework for cross-border data transfers. This is expected to bring some

Clearview AI fined and ordered to remove data

Clearview AI fined by the Italian SA after various GDPR violations, and ordered to remove data and appoint an EU representative.   The company Clearview AI, has been fined by yet another EU watchdog, according to this report from the EDPB. The Italian SA has also ordered the company to delete the data of Italians

Record fine by Hellenic DPA

Unlawful data processing and a personal data breach has led to a record fine by Hellenic DPA on two telecommunications companies.   An investigation into a personal data breach has resulted in two companies being hit with fines for €6 million and €3.25 million respectively. COSMOTE and OTE were fined for various GDPR  violations after

Fine for lack of cooperation imposed by the Polish DPA

A recent fine imposed by the Polish DPA was for lack of cooperation with the supervisory authority.   The Polish DPA recently imposed a fine on Pactum Poland for lack of cooperation. The case was initiated by a complaint which led the Polish DPA to request information from the company, Pactum Poland. The company’s failure

Violation of data minimisation leads to administrative fine

The Finnish DPA has fined the Finnish Motor Insurers’ Centre, after this controller was found to be in violation of data minimisation.  The Finnish DPA has fined the Finnish Motor Insurers’ Centre over their inability to adhere to the principle of data minimisation. The company was fined late last year, for collecting an unnecessary amount

AI powered age verification systems being tested at UK supermarkets for alcohol purchases.

AI powered age verification systems are now being tested at a few UK supermarkets to verify the ages of people attempting to buy alcohol at self-checkout.  UK supermarkets have begun testing an automated age verification system at self-checkouts when buying alcohol. According to this BBC report, this system will utilize cameras that can estimate a

Stop using Google Analytics: CNIL gives formal notice to website managers.

CNIL has given formal notice to website managers to come into compliance and to stop using Google Analytics due to illegal EU – US Data transfers.    CNIL has joined several other EU watchdogs in ordering website managers to stop using Google Analytics. As a result of several complaints being filed by NOYB, against a

Data subject right of access: Guidelines by the EDPB

The EDPB recently released guidelines on data subject right of access in the context of the GDPR.   The right of access aims to provide individuals with sufficient, transparent and easily accessible information about the processing of their personal data. This is expected to add greater ease to the process of data subjects exercising their

VIII IAB Spain Digital Advertising Regulation Summit Overview

The VIII IAB Spain Digital Advertising Regulation Summit was hosted online on Wednesday 2nd February.   The VIII edition of the IAB Spain Digital Advertising Regulation Summit took place last Wednesday 2nd February in an online half-day event which was sponsored by Google, OneTrust and PrimCity.    The event The IAB Spain Digital Advertising Regulation Summit

Declaration on digital rights and principles proposed by the European Commission

The Commission has proposed a declaration of rights and principles to the European Parliament and Council that is intended to guide digital transformation in the EU.   The European Commission has prepared a draft declaration on digital rights and principles with the aim of providing a clear reference point on the kind of digital transformation