
Categorie: IT law

Garante Fines TIM SpA EUR 27.8 Million for Unlawful Marketing.

The Italian Data Protection Authority (DPA) Garante fined TIM SpA EUR 27,802,496 for several instances of unlawful data processing for marketing purposes. Complex investigations were carried out after the DPA received hundreds of complaints, from January 2017 to early 2019 regarding unlawful processing for marketing purposes, in particular, unsolicited marketing calls that had been performed

Regulating the right to privacy in the AI era

What about Privacy in the AI era? New developments in 2019 have shown that the GDPR rules on AI profiling could not be timelier. From smart billboards to home audio devices, AI has been deployed to make sense of everything we expose about ourselves, including our faces and things we casually say. Regardless of these

Biometrics researcher Christina-Angeliki Toli on GDPR biometrics challenges

Christina-Angeliki Toli, data mining specialist currently working as a cryptographer/biometrics researcher engineer, talks to us about GDPR biometrics challenges including privacy-by design solutions that are not only secure but also respect the rights of their users.

We discussed GDPR at SIINDA LOCALCOMM 2017 London conference

SIINDA LOCALCOMM 2017 was a great opportunity to present some pressing GDPR issues to the Search & Information Industry Community. I was honoured to participate in the conference ePrivacy panel.

Proposed EU Digital Single Market copyright filtering for online services

Voices have been raised with regard to the proposed EU Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market Article 13, which imposes a new obligation on service providers that is seen by many as a copyright filtering technique for user-created content. Aphaia Blog editor Vasiliki Antoniadou explores what it entails.

EU portability for online content services deal

Data related to online services is becoming easier to port in the Single Market. After EU GDPR personal data portability rules, the EU Council and the Parliament achieved a landmark agreement on the EU portability for online content subscriptions as part of copyrights reform.

Aphaia OTT regulation and net neutrality project in Bahrain

Aphaia is proud to work with the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority of the Kingdom of Bahrain on the topics of OTT regulation and net neutrality.

R&B artist Chrycee on social media privacy and online copyright

Known as the Beautiful Dreamer, Chrycee provides insight into online copyright from a recording artist’s perspective and shares with Aphaia some good practices on social media privacy.

Data protection audit or outsourced Data Protection Officer?

Data protection audit seems like an inevitable step when you are not convinced your treatment of customer data complies with the law and best practices. But should you choose a one-off data protection audit or appoint a permanent outsourced Data Protection Officer?

SharpEnd Agency , leaders in IoT adoption by top brands

Cameron Worth, SharpEnd Agency’s founder, talks to Aphaia’s Vasiliki Antoniadou about the Internet of Things (IoT), shedding light on brand and consumer benefits, privacy concerns, and future developments in the area.