
Tag: data privacy

Tag: data privacy
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Facebook View sunglasses questioned by Irish and Italian authorities

Facebook View sunglasses questioned by the Irish and Italian authorities, regarding whether they effectively notify data subjects that they are being recorded.     A new product by Facebook in collaboration with Ray Ban, is now coming under question by European data protection authorities. The product, called “Facebook View” was introduced to the general public

Right to erasure: Controller ordered to delete photos

Right to erasure is behind Slovenia supervisory authority IPRS’s recent decision, ordering a controller to delete 88 photos.   Slovenian SA recently ordered a data controller to delete a collection of 88 photos of a data subject, taken over a period of time 7 to 15 years ago. The order, which came this July, was

Facial recognition technology use by US federal agencies

Facial Recognition Technology use: A Survey of Current and Future Uses by US Federal Agencies. Facial recognition technology use by both the public and private sector has been the topic of much debate worldwide. In Europe, in recent years, there have been calls for a ban on the use of this technology, giving authorities time

CNIL opinion on health passes

CNIL opinion on health passes for COVID-19 vaccination and screening, touching on several aspects of its implementation and use.    Since the world’s introduction into this COVID-19 health crisis, well over a year ago, there have been various measures implemented to facilitate people working, socializing, and living what can be considered a “normal” life. In

Ireland’s DPC issues guidance on vaccination statuses in the context of employment

Ireland’s DPC issues guidance on the collection of data regarding vaccination statuses  in the context of employment.    As the world slowly opens up again, and employees are being encouraged, in certain industries to move back into the workplace setting, employers are seeking guidance on what approach is best taken with regard to employee vaccination

CNIL authorizes experimental concert in Paris

CNIL authorizes experimental concert in Paris after a request for authorization, due to the processing of sensitive data.    As governments worldwide endeavour to reopen and boost economies affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, attempts are being made at hosting mass crowd events, something which has been disallowed in many countries since the start of the

AEPD fines EDP Comercializadora, S.A.U 1.5 million euros

AEPD fines EDP Comercializadora, S.A.U 1.5 million euros for two violations of the GDPR.    EDP Comercializadora, S.A.U, an electricity service provider in Spain has been fined for two violations of the GDPR. The company was found to lack sufficient technical and organizational measures to verify whether someone signing up for its services on behalf

The CNIL issues it’s opinion on vaccine passes for mass gatherings

The CNIL issues it’s opinion on the implementation and use of vaccine passes for admittance to mass crowd events in France.     As the world aims to resume somewhat normal activity during the global COVID-19 pandemic, France is considering the use of the vaccine passes or  green passes for admission to mass gatherings of at

Children’s Code transitionary period ends in less than 6 months

The children’s code transitionary period, which saw its inception on 2nd September 2020, ends in less than 6 months. All online services are expected to be in compliance with this code by September 2021.  Last year, we reported that the Children’s Code, then known as the Age Appropriate Design Code was about to come into

New EU ePrivacy rules update

The ePrivacy rules governing electronic communication data will be updated as agreed upon by EU Member States.    Earlier this month, EU member states agreed upon a negotiating mandate for revised ‘ePrivacy’ rules. The rules on the protection of privacy and confidentiality in the use of electronic communications define cases in which service providers are