
Tag: data privacy

Tag: data privacy
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Approximately Nine Million EasyJet Customers Hacked

EasyJet reveals that some nine million of its customers have been affected by a “highly sophisticated cyber-attack”    Nine million EasyJet customers have been hacked according to  a recent BBC news article. In January this year EasyJet became aware of a cyber attack which had affected millions of its customers and  is now, based on

EDPB adopts Guidelines on the Processing of Health Data for Scientific Research Purposes during COVID-19

In the middle of the COVID-19 outbreak, the EDPB adopted Guidelines on the processing of health data for scientific research purposes to clarify some legal questions. Considering that life may not return to normal until a COVID-19 vaccine becomes widely available, researchers from across the globe are focusing their efforts on producing results as soon

The Dutch DPA Imposed a Fine on the Dutch Tennis Association under the GDPR for Illegally Selling Personal Data for marketing purposes.

The Dutch DPA Imposed a fine on the Dutch Tennis Association (The KNLTB) of EUR 525,000, for the unlawful sale of personal data of its members to two sponsors.   The Dutch DPA recently imposed a fine on the Dutch Tennis Association (KNLTB) under the GDPR, for the illegal sale of their members’ information to

CCPA set to Move Forward as Scheduled Despite COVID-19 Challenges.

California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) is set to move forward, as scheduled on July 1, 2020, despite the challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic.   As various states and countries implement lock downs and stay at home orders in effort to deal with the coronavirus pandemic, many events, initiatives and processes are being cancelled, or

A Memorandum of Understanding has been Signed Between the UK’s ICO and the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner

A Memorandum of Understanding has been signed between the UK’s ICO and the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC), to facilitate cooperation and collaboration. A memorandum of understanding has been signed between the UK’s ICO and the Australian Information Commissioner, due to the fact that the two share similar functions and duties in their

The Reality of the Impersonation Feature on Company Platforms.

Many company platforms and apps include an impersonation feature which allows administrative users to access accounts as though they were logged in as the users themselves. Imagine knowing that by simply having an account with a company, you are unknowingly granting access to this company’s everyday employees to access your data in just the same

Italian DPA (Garante) Imposes a Double Fine on Eni Gas E Luce Totalling EUR 11.5 Million for Two Violations of the GDPR.

The Italian Data Protection Authority (Garante) imposed a double fine on Eni Gas E Luce (EGL) of EUR 11.5 million for unlawful data processing for promotional purposes and activation of unsolicited contracts. Last month, the European Data Protection Board reported on a double fine imposed on Eni Gas E Luce, by the Italian Data Protection

Garante Fines TIM SpA EUR 27.8 Million for Unlawful Marketing.

The Italian Data Protection Authority (DPA) Garante fined TIM SpA EUR 27,802,496 for several instances of unlawful data processing for marketing purposes. Complex investigations were carried out after the DPA received hundreds of complaints, from January 2017 to early 2019 regarding unlawful processing for marketing purposes, in particular, unsolicited marketing calls that had been performed

EU White Paper on Artificial Intelligence Overview

The EU White Paper on Artificial Intelligence contains a set of proposals to develop a European approach to this technology. As reported in our blog, the leaked EU White Paper obtained by Euractiv proposes several options for AI regulations moving into the future. In our post today we are going through them to show you

Self-Driving Cars and GDPR

Driverless cars are on track to becoming a reality, but what of privacy and data protection? In this blog we explore self-driving cars and GDPR. When you think of self-driving cars what comes to mind? I’m willing to go on a limb here and say that it’s not just Knight Rider’s KITT, the Batmobile or