
Tag: Data Protection

Tag: Data Protection
Page 40

European privacy advocates warn about the use of ‘cookies’ in behavioural advertising

European privacy advocates have expressed their criticism of the advertising industry’s self-imposed code on behavioural advertising, especially in relation to the tracking of online browsing habits via the use of ‘cookies’.

EU Council agrees to a controversial passenger data sharing agreement with the US

The Council of the European Union has given the green light to a new agreement between the European Union and the United States of America that will see the sharing and storing of personal data of passengers flying to the US. The agreement now has to be ratified by the European Parliament, with the agreement

Facebook found to have ‘deceived consumers’ in regard to privacy

The USA Federal Trade Commission (FTC), an independent agency of the United States government charged with consumer protection, has forced Facebook to overhaul its privacy practices, as the privacy policy in place was found to be ‘deceptive’.

Aphaia holds data protection seminar in St Lucia

On 3 October 2011 Aphaia, in collaboration with Seashell Consulting, organized a seminar in Saint Lucia that presented to the industry and interested parties an overview of the new Saint Lucian personal data protection legislation.

Notion of consent clarified by European data protection authorities

The Article 29 Data Protection Working Party, an independent European advisory body on data protection and privacy, has issued an opinion in which they clarify the definition of consent, a key notion in the protection of personal data that gives the data subject control over the processing of their data, and give recommendations for the

Facebook’s face-recognition function to be investigated by EU data protection officials

The Article 29 Data Protection Working Party, a group of 27 national data protection and privacy agencies that advises the European Commission on privacy issues, will probe Facebook over a new feature that uses face-recognition software to suggest people’s names to identify in pictures without their permission, report Bloomberg News.

EU Data Retention Directive harmful to privacy?

The European data protection supervisor, Peter Hustinx, whose primary objective is to ensure that European institutions and bodies respect the right to privacy and data protection when they process personal data and develop new policies has issued an opinion on the EU 2006 Data Retention Directive, determining it to contradict privacy and data protection rights.

New telecoms rules to be implemented

Europeans will enjoy new rights and services regarding phones, mobile and Internet, thanks to the revised EU rules on telecoms networks and services. The rules, adopted by the European Parliament and Council in late 2009, had to be implemented into national laws of the EU-27 countries by 25th May 2011.

British super-injunction controversy raises questions about freedom of speech and new media

In England and Wales, super-injunctions, gag orders that prohibit the press from reporting the details of a legal case are at the center of a country-wide controversy that raises questions about freedom of the press, freedom of speech, online censorship, the effect of European treaties on the UK legal systems and fundamental constitutional issues regarding

Children using social networks at a younger age, unaware of basic privacy risks

A survey of social networking, age and privacy commissioned by the European Commission and published by the EU Kids Online network has showed that 77% of 13 to 16 year olds and 38% of 9 to 12 year olds in the EU have a profile on a social networking site like Facebook.