The European Commission has outlined its goals for a competitive and low-carbon future EU economy in a proposal of the new EU framework on climate and energy for 2030, with renewable energy playing a key role in the future of European energy production.
This issue of Aphaia's new monthly series on EU regulatory case law features the summary of the latest European regulatory case law from January 2014 in the field of information society, competition and environment.
This past January in the news: Enisa publishes its report on power supply dependencies in Europe, 2030 EU climate and energy goals are published, and we host a webinar on big data and privacy. Oh, and our white papers are now available as e-books!
In our new monthly series, Apahia's guest blogger Ines Grah takes a look at the recent judgements by the European Court of Justice and the General Court, highlighting the most relevant developments in energy, data protection, competition and environment.
The potential for an integrated European energy market has been a key priority for the European Union and an important topic for the Lithuanian EU Council Presidency. In order to accomplish a fully connected energy market, efforts have been made to put in place the right regulatory and infrastructure conditions.