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Broadband and privacy in March 2015: a single European digital market and an analysis of EU cookie rules.

Broadband and privacy in March 2015: a single European digital market and an analysis of EU cookie rules.

Developments in NGA, OTT and IPTV competition, investment and ‘net neutrality’ policies, as well as personal data protection in the world of Big Data, IoT and the Cloud.

Introducing Aphaia’s monthly reviews of regulatory and technological developments in broadband and privacy. Read the full expert analyses in Aphaia’s third series of monthly reports – available for free for a limited time only.

In the third installment of our technology and regulation update we among other write about what a single European digital market should comprise of, talk about the new USA net neutrality rules and discuss Facebook tracking practices via social plug-ins.

The first and second technology and regulation updates are available for download on Aphaia’s White Paper portal.

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Regulatory case law, January 2015: protection of databases and ownership changes in frequency allocation
enero 31, 2015
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EU Data Protection Regulation: three years after
febrero 11, 2015

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