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Aphaia and Ventura Team prepare strategy for developing high-speed broadband in rural areas

Aphaia and Ventura Team prepare strategy for developing high-speed broadband in rural areas

Together with London consultancy Ventura Team, Aphaia has prepared a study with the optimal strategy for developing high speed-broadband in the rural areas of Slovenia, an example of a country with early mass market FTTH investment and competition that, however, remained limited to urban areas.

The study was prepared by world-renown experts in competition in electronic communications, Dr Boštjan Makarovič and Stefan Stanislawski.

The current model of regulation – that sees the incumbent operators across Europe act as both the network operator and the leading retail service operator – has not produced desirable results in the sense of high-speed broadband internet coverage. Consequently, there exists across Europe a fibre deprivation in the countryside.

Relying on a financial model developed by Ventura Team and Aphaia, the study in the form of a White Paper demonstrates the deprivation of the countryside due to the lack of ‘clawback’ regulation and puts forward the idea of an alternative regulatory regime, whereby a separate company (NetCo) would be created in order to provide for both the NGA coverage and copper replacement in all the areas not subject to infrastructure competition and fibre investment.

Click here to download the White Paper “Resolving the European Rural Fibre Investment Gridlock”

Click here for LinkedIn discussion.


Picture: stock.xchng/marcosschn

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