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Aphaia at FTTx Summit Eastern Europe: do we really need to ‘fix’ the telecoms sector?

Aphaia at FTTx Summit Eastern Europe: do we really need to ‘fix’ the telecoms sector?

Aphaia participated in the FTTx Summit Eastern Europe conference that took place in Warsaw from 7 to 9 October 2013.

FTTx Summit Eastern Europe showcased fibre and NGA case studies led by Eastern European operators and broadband providers, and addressed the key issues facing Eastern European operators as they struggle to build profitable fibre and NGA networks.

Aphaia’s Chief Consultant Dr Boštjan Makarovič spoke at the conference about whether the latest European Commission regulatory reform proposal was the right solution to boost NGA investment, asking if we really need to ‘fix the telecoms sector’ or need to simply stick to the traditional telecoms regulatory tasks of modern universal access and fostering competition.

You can find out more about the issues in connection with the Commission’s ‘Connected Continent’ package in Aphaia’s latest White Paper.

Read some of the conference tweets from Dr Makarovič below, and don’t forget to follow us on Twitter!

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