

Author: cristinac
Page 6

AI and retail industry after COVID-19: opportunities, privacy, ethics (Part I)

Our lives will change after COVID-19, and AI can help the retail industry and provide opportunities to minimise the impact of the pandemic while respecting privacy and the ethical principles. In the last two months, we have witnessed how the entire world has changed- from schools to factories, we all have replaced our usual practices

EL CEPD publica sus directrices para el tratamiento de datos de salud con fines de investigación durante el COVID-19.

En medio del brote del COVID-19, el CEPD ha adoptado unas directrices para el tratamiento de datos de salud con fines de investigación con el propósito de aclarar algunas dudas al respecto.  En previsión de que no volveremos a la normalidad hasta que se disponga de una vacuna contra el COVID-19, investigadores de todo el

EDPB adopts Guidelines on the Processing of Health Data for Scientific Research Purposes during COVID-19

In the middle of the COVID-19 outbreak, the EDPB adopted Guidelines on the processing of health data for scientific research purposes to clarify some legal questions. Considering that life may not return to normal until a COVID-19 vaccine becomes widely available, researchers from across the globe are focusing their efforts on producing results as soon

La AEPD aprueba las primeras normas corporativas vinculantes (BCRs) bajo el RGPD

La AEPD ha aprobado las primeras normas corporativas vinculantes (BCRs) bajo el RGPD. La AEPD ha ejercido como autoridad líder y ha recibido el informe positivo del Comité Europeo de Protección de Datos (CEPD).  La AEPD ha publicado su opinión final en relación al borrador de las primeras normas corporativas vinculantes presentado por el Grupo

The AEPD has approved its first Binding Corporate Rules (BCRs) under the GDPR

The Spanish DPA, AEPD, has approved its first Binding Corporate Rules (BCRs) under the GDPR. The AEPD acted as lead DPA and counted with the EDPB’s favourable Opinion. The AEPD has issued their final opinion concerning the first binding corporate rules drafted by Fujikura Automotive Europe Group, two months after the EDPB approved them. This

Libro Blanco de la UE sobre Inteligencia Artificial

El Libro Blanco de la UE sobre Inteligencia Artificial contiene una serie de propuestas para desarrollar una estrategia europea en esta tecnología. Como recogimos en nuestro blog, el Libro Blanco de la UE filtrado y obtenido por Euractiv propone varias opciones para una regulación de la IA en el futuro. En el artículo de hoy

EU White Paper on Artificial Intelligence Overview

The EU White Paper on Artificial Intelligence contains a set of proposals to develop a European approach to this technology. As reported in our blog, the leaked EU White Paper obtained by Euractiv proposes several options for AI regulations moving into the future. In our post today we are going through them to show you

La ICO publica su Código de diseño apropiado a la edad

La ICO ha publicado un nuevo Código de diseño apropiado a la edad para proteger la privacidad online de los menores.   El pasado 21 de enero, la ICO, la autoridad de control de Reino Unido, publicó su versión final del Código de diseño apropiado a la edad, tras haber realizado durante los meses previos

The UK’s ICO Publishes Age Appropriate Design Code

The ICO has published a new Age Appropriate Design code to protect children’s privacy online.   On January 21, the ICO published its final version of the Age Appropriate Design Code. This comes months after the ICO’s completion of a wide-ranging public consultation and engagement period which included meetings with individual organisations, trade bodies, industry

Employer/ Employee relations : A GDPR perspective

Today’s blog provides an overview of the GDPR’s expectations regarding employer/employee relations; specifically in terms of company policies on communication and security. If you work or have worked in the corporate world then you’re no stranger to the fact that in order to protect the organization, most companies have in place internal policies and procedures