
Zandilli Lucien

Author: Zandilli Lucien
Page 21

Amazon recurre la multa récord que se le impuso bajo el RGPD

Amazon has repealed the record EU GDPR fine on the basis that there was no data breach.   In July, we reported that Amazon was facing a possible fine for alleged GDPR violations totalling €350 million. According to this Bloomberg report, Amazon is now repealing this fine, which stands at €746 million. The CNPD, Luxembourg’s privacy watchdog hit

Record EU GDPR fine repealed by Amazon

Amazon has repealed the record EU GDPR fine on the basis that there was no data breach.   In July, we reported that Amazon was facing a possible fine for alleged GDPR violations totalling €350 million. According to this Bloomberg report, Amazon is now repealing this fine, which stands at €746 million. The CNPD, Luxembourg’s privacy watchdog hit

Multa por uso ilegítimo de cámaras en la recepción de una clínica de depilación

La autoridad de control de Noruega ha impuesto una multa de 10.000€ por uso ilegítimo de cámaras en la recepción de una clínica de depilación.   La autoridad de control de Noruega ha impuesto recientemente una multa a Waxing Palace AS, una clínica de depilación, con motivo de la utilización de cámaras en sus instalaciones.

Fine for unlawful CCTV monitoring in the reception area of a salon

Norwegian DPA imposed a €10,000 fine for unlawful CCTV monitoring in the reception area of a salon.   A salon was recently fined by the Norwegian DPA following an investigation into CCTV monitoring on their premises. The investigation came about as a result of a complaint, which eventually led to a €10,000 fine for the

La ICO impone una multa por una brecha de seguridad en un envío masivo de emails

La ICO impone una multa por una brecha de seguridad en un envío masivo de emails que supuso la revelación de la identidad y estado de salud de los destinatarios.   La ICO ha impuesto una multa a HIV Scotland, una ONG escocesa, por una brecha de seguridad que se produjo al realizar un envío

Bulk email data breach results in a fine from the ICO

Bulk email data breach results in a fine from the ICO, as a data controller possibly revealed identities and assumable health status of recipients.   A recent data breach by a Scottish charity – HIV Scotland, has resulted in a fine from the ICO. A bulk email was sent out to 105 recipients which included

Uso de reconocimiento facial en escuelas de Reino Unido: la ICO se plantea intervenir

El uso de reconocimiento facial en Reino Unido para los pagos del comedor suscita preocupaciones en el sector y la ICO se plantea intervenir.   Nueve colegios de un concejo de Escocia han empezado este mes a utilizar sistemas de pago mediante reconocimiento facial en sus comedores, bajo la premisa de que permite que las

Facial recognition in UK schools: ICO intends to intervene

Facial recognition in UK schools for collecting meal payments has raised some concerns, over which the ICO intends to intervene.   Nine schools in North Ayrshire are currently using a facial recognition payment system in their canteens. The change happened this month, and schools claim that it helps the lunch line move more quickly, while

Moscú lanza un sistema de pago mediante reconocimiento facial

El sistema de pago mediante reconocimiento facial lanzado recientemente en Moscú es el primero en utilizarse a gran escala.   Los usuarios del metro de Moscú tienen ahora la opción de utilizar de forma voluntaria un nuevo método de pago denominado “Face Pay”, que les permite acceder mediante un escáner facial situado en los tornos

Facial recognition payment system launched in Moscow

Facial recognition payment system recently launched in Moscow is the first to be used on such a large scale.   Commuters in Moscow, Russia now have the option of using the new voluntary payment method called “Face Pay”. This method allows them to sign up by scanning their face in front of a camera at