
Zandilli Lucien

Author: Zandilli Lucien
Page 42

CPS Advisory fined for unauthorized cold calls

CPS Advisory faces ICO fine for making more than 100,000 unauthorized pension-related direct marketing calls.    As technological advances, globalization—and now worldwide health & safety threats (such as COVID-19)—continue to catapult our world further into the remote sphere, more and more businesses are turning to cold calling and other such distanced customer engagement methods to

La autoridad de control húngara multa a Forbes por incumplimiento del RGPD.

La autoridad de control húngara ha multado a Forbes por no haber realizado la debida Evaluación de Interés Legítimo en relación a dos de sus publicaciones, así como por no informar a los interesados acerca de los resultados vinculados a la misma.    La autoridad de control húngara impuso en Julio una multa a Forbes

Hungarian DPA fined Forbes for GDPR violation.

Hungarian DPA fined Forbes for failing to carry out a legitimate interest assessment in relation to two of their publications and to inform data subjects in advance about the results.   The Hungarian DPA came to a decision this July, to fine Forbes for violating various articles of the GDPR with regard to two of

Una serie de quejas contra Google y Facebook han conducido a investigaciones por parte del Centro Europeo de Derechos Digitales (EDRi)

Una serie de quejas contra Google y Facebook han conducido a investigaciones por parte del Centro Europeo de Derechos Digitales (NOYB) con motivo de transferencias de datos que podrían estar infringiendo el RGPD.    Las quejas se presentaron contra Google y Facebook en muchos países europeos por un presunto incumplimiento del RGPD. Como resultado, el

Complaints against Google and Facebook lead to investigations by the European Center for Digital Rights.

Complaints against Google and Facebook lead to investigations by the European Center for Digital Rights, for data transfers which violate the GDPR.    Complaints were filed against Google and Facebook in several EU countries for an alleged violation of the GDPR. As a result, the European Center for Digital Rights (noyb) has launched a series

EDPS guidance on temperature checks during the COVID-19 pandemic

Temperature checks during COVID-19, the global health crisis, have become a necessary part of the continuity of general affairs. The EDPS has released guidance to help institutions in navigating this sphere keeping the privacy of the individual at the forefront.   Due to the COVID-19 situation many of the European Union members have implemented several

Orientaciones del Supervisor Europeo de Protección de Datos en relación a los controles de temperatura con motivo del COVID-19

Los controles de temperatura durante el COVID-19 se han convertido en parte del día a día. El Supervisor Europeo de Protección de Datos (EDPS) ha publicado una serie de orientaciones para ayudar a las instituciones a desarrollar estas medidas con la privacidad de los individuos como prioridad.    La pandemia del COVID-19 ha llevado a

Novedades en la regulación de la ética de la IA (Parte II)

En la primera parte de nuestro vlog sobre novedades en la regulación de la ética de la IA, hablamos sobre algunos de los requisitos necesarios para alcanzar una IA fiable. Estos elementos tienen que ser evaluados de manera constante durante todo el ciclo de vida del producto.    En la publicación de hoy revisamos el

Updates on the guidelines for Trustworthy AI (Part II)

Recently, we covered some of the requirements of trustworthy AI, in the first part of this series; AI Ethics Regulation Updates. These requirements are to be continuously monitored and evaluated throughout an AI system’s life cycle. Today we’ll be discussing the second set of requirements the AI HLEG deems relevant for a self-assessment for trustworthy

Lincolnshire Police Trial CCTV: this technology can even detect moods!

Lincolnshire police trial CCTV technology which can detect moods, eyewear and headgear, but not  before a human rights and privacy assessment is carried out.   Lincolnshire police will soon debut their trial of CCTV cameras in Gainsborough. This is a new, more complicated and potentially controversial type of Surveillance technology. Although the funding for this