
Zandilli Lucien

Author: Zandilli Lucien
Page 51

Garante Fines TIM SpA EUR 27.8 Million for Unlawful Marketing.

The Italian Data Protection Authority (DPA) Garante fined TIM SpA EUR 27,802,496 for several instances of unlawful data processing for marketing purposes. Complex investigations were carried out after the DPA received hundreds of complaints, from January 2017 to early 2019 regarding unlawful processing for marketing purposes, in particular, unsolicited marketing calls that had been performed

La ICO se pronuncia sobre cómo el Brexit puede afectar a la protección de datos.

La ICO ha publicado un artículo donde explica las posibles implicaciones del Brexit en la protección de datos. El pasado 31 de enero de 2020, Reino Unido salió oficialmente de la Unión Europea y comenzó así un período de transición hasta Diciembre de 2020. Unos días antes, el 29 de enero, la ICO publicó un

The UK’s ICO Releases Statement on Data Protection and Brexit Implementation.

The ICO has released a statement on the implementation of Brexit and the implications on data protection. On January 31, 2020, the UK officially left the European Union and entered a Brexit Transition Period, which runs through December 2020. Prior to that, on January 29th, the UK’s ICO released a statement on the implications of