
Categoría: Article

More and more Europeans going mobile, but many still without computer skills

The Internet is now present almost everywhere in Europe, with more and more Europeans accessing it on mobile devices, shows the latest overview of digital progress in the EU. This fact lies in stark contrast with another finding, namely that almost half of the same population has little or no computer skills.

European eGovernment improving, but citizens ask for more

The latest results on the use of online public services in the EU have shown positive trends in the development of eGoverment, however more work still remains in making eGoverment more user friendly. Find out more in Aphaia's infographic.

Protecting and improving Europe’s natural capital via green infrastructure

The EU has recently adopted a new strategy for encouraging green infrastructure and for ensuring that the enhancement of natural processes becomes a systematic part of European spatial planning. But why exactly is green infrastructure and why is it important?

World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2013

Today we are celebrating the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day. The day helps raise awareness of the possibilities that the use of the Internet and other information and communication technologies (ICT) can bring to societies and economies, as well as of ways to bridge the digital divide.

Climate Change and the Mexican National Energy Strategy 2012-2026

A few days ago, on April 9th, the Chamber of Deputies of the Mexican Congress approved the 2012-2026 National Energy Strategy (ENE, for its Spanish acronym). Once it is published in the Official Journal of the Federation, it will become the official planning and execution tool of public policies concerning the energy sector, outlining it

Nature of teens’ internet use transformed with always-on connections

Do you know how your teenager is accessing the internet? The Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project has published a new study that looks at USA teens and their use of computers, tablets and smartphones.

ICT sector examines how to measure its impact on environment

Several information and communication (ICT) technology organisations from around the world, among them Nokia, Ericsson, Dell and HP have joined forces to measure their carbon footprint as part of the ICT footprint initiative launched by the European Commission.

40 years of the mobile phone: infographic

How time flies: yesterday marked the 40th anniversary of the first ever call on a mobile phone, made by Motorola employee Martin Cooper in New York in 1973 on a Motorola DynaTAC.

Mobile apps must obtain meaningful consent from user, limit the purpose of collecting data and minimize data collected

European privacy watchdogs have published an opinion addressing the key data protection risks of mobile apps. The document clarifies the EU legal framework applicable to the processing of personal data in apps on smart devices and outlines several obligations in developing and distributing apps on smart devices.

World Water Day 2013: international year of water cooperation

Today, Friday, 22 March we celebrate the annual World Water Day. This year the day is dedicated to the theme of cooperation around water.