
Categoría: Article

Majority of EU citizens use foreign language when online

A pan-EU Eurobarometer survey showed that 44% of Internet users feel they are missing  interesting information because web pages are not in a language they understand. The survey, released in May 2011, shows that 90% of Internet surfers in the EU prefer to access websites in their own language, while 55% at least occasionally use

Children using social networks at a younger age, unaware of basic privacy risks

A survey of social networking, age and privacy commissioned by the European Commission and published by the EU Kids Online network has showed that 77% of 13 to 16 year olds and 38% of 9 to 12 year olds in the EU have a profile on a social networking site like Facebook.

ACER to become operational on Thursday

On 3 March 2011, the European Agency for the Cooperation of Energy Regulators (ACER) will take up its duties.

Data Protection Day 2011

This year, the Council of Europe is celebrating the 30th anniversary of its Convention for the protection of individuals with regard to automatic processing of personal data, known as “Convention 108”.

Get Online Week 2011

Following the success of “Get Online Day 2010” when 68,000 people were reached, Telecentre Europe, a network dedicated to sharing knowledge and forming partnerships committed to increasing the impact of telecentres in Europe, is organizing a Europe wide campaign to get new computer users online.

Improving online public services in the EU

In December 2010 the European Commission presented a five-year eGovernment Action Plan that aims to expand and improve the public services that Member States offer online. In cooperation with Member States’ public authorities, the Commission plans to deliver innovative and efficient online public services to citizens and businesses.

Re-examining personal data protection in the European Union

In today’s age of of rapid technological developments, globalization and the ever-more elaborated and hard-to-detect ways of collecting personal data, the question arises whether the existing EU data protection legislation is still enough to effectively cope with the task of protecting an individual’s personal data. To this end in May 2009 the European Commission launched 

Next Generation Access Recommendation and competition law issues

On 20 September 2010 the European Commission issued a Recommendation on regulated access to Next Generation Access Networks (NGA).

Net Neutrality consultation: consensus on importance of preserving open internet

As part of the 2009 EU telecoms reform package, the Commission committed itself to scrutinise closely the open and neutral nature of the internet and to report on the state of play to the European Parliament and the EU’s Council of Ministers. To this end the Commission on 30 June 2010 launched a public consultation

First pan-European simulation of cyber-attack response

On Thursday, 4 November 2010 Europe’s cyber security experts tested their responses in the first ever pan-European cyber-attack simulation exercise.