
Categoría: Article

10 privacy mistakes that Startups can avoid

Supporting many brilliant Start-ups that are ready to launch their new services, we also noticed that there are similar misconceptions on privacy and data. We thought it will be useful to share this with you, hoping it will be useful to avoid the most common mistakes. 1) “It is all anonymized” If you think that your Startup does

Data Protection Officer (DPO): a new Must-have in EU law

The new European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) sets wider and more stringent requirements in data regulation and introduces a new figure: the Data Protection Officer (DPO). The main task a DPO is to ensure that a company’s activities are in line with the new rules, and to help to avert huge fines.

Regulatory Case Law, March 2016: Data Protection and Terrorist Financing

This request for a preliminary ruling, dealing among other issues with data protection and terrorist financing, concerned the interpretation of Article 11(1) of Directive 2005/60/EC on the prevention of the use of the financial system for the purpose of money laundering and terrorist financing

Regulatory Case Law, February 2016: EU-US Privacy Shield

As a follow up to the European Court of Justice Schrems decision of 6th October 2015, the EU and the US have managed to negotiate a fast track a new agreement called the EU-US Privacy Shield meant to replace the disgraced Safe Harbour agreement. 

Aphaia launches the new Knowledge Centre

  Aphaia Knowledge Centre reopens with a full podcast of the upcoming European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) by Nina Marot, a regulation that  will substantially reshape privacy  regulations in the EU Member States and influence companies whose business involves the processing of personal information.

Aphaia at Turkey Cloud & Singapore Big Data

Aphaia is proud to be this year’s media partner for EEL Turkey Cloud Computing Forum and Singapore Monetising Big Data in Telecoms World Summit, two key ICT conferences to address industry challenges of Big Data and Cloud Computing.

Regulatory Case Law, January 2016: EU Habitats Directive impact on projects planning

The EU Habitats Directive (Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora) is meant to protect natural habitats. The ECJ clarified what this might mean in Member States planning practice.

Data protection for startups of Bethnal Green Ventures talk

After TheCube in October, we continued our data protection for startups talks at Bethnal Green Ventures accelerator at London Somerset House.

eIDAS Regulation and EU-portable e-identities – are you ready?

We are proud to have recently supplied a draft legal action plan for the Slovenian Ministry of Public Administration in relation to the legal aspects of EU eIDAS Regulation. But what is there for European businesses in the new Regulation?

Is the new Data Protection Officer requirement bureaucratic rubbish?

The new EU General Data Protection Regulation is  about to introduce a requirement for data processing companies to appoint a Data Protection Officer.