
Categoría: Data Protection

Managing tech startup intangibles : a regulatory and legal guide

Aphaia’s blog editor Vasiliki Antoniadou and founder Dr Bostjan Makarovic explore tech startups intangibles from intellectual property (IP) to personal data in our latest White Paper that is now available for free in Aphaia Knowledge Centre.

GDPR Cyber Security and Cyber Resilience

We discussed GDPR cyber security aspects with Richard Preece, co-author of Managing Cybersecurity Risk – How Directors and Corporate Officers can protect their businesses, and Jean-Christophe Gaillard, a senior executive and team builder with a track-record at driving fundamental change in the security field across global organisations.

Conscious Cities from neuroscience to tech with our partners The Centric Lab

Conscious Cities Conference No. 2: Bridging Neuroscience, Architecture and Technology is a full-day event, taking place on Wednesday 03 May 2017. The last Conscious Cities conference examined the relationship between neuroscience and architecture.

We discussed GDPR at SIINDA LOCALCOMM 2017 London conference

SIINDA LOCALCOMM 2017 was a great opportunity to present some pressing GDPR issues to the Search & Information Industry Community. I was honoured to participate in the conference ePrivacy panel.

GDPR Data Protection Impact Assessment – basic information

When introducing new data processing techniques and technologies that pose high privacy risk, GDPR will require your company to conduct data protection impact assessment. This privacy impact assessment operation should establish whether to go ahead with the planned operations and under what conditions.

Data Protection Officer employment – or outsourcing?

As the GDPR deadline draws closer, many European companies are considering Data Protection Officer employment requirements. But unless you are huge and can afford to employ best of the best privacy experts, outsourcing might be a better option for your Data Protection Officer than employment.

EU portability for online content services deal

Data related to online services is becoming easier to port in the Single Market. After EU GDPR personal data portability rules, the EU Council and the Parliament achieved a landmark agreement on the EU portability for online content subscriptions as part of copyrights reform.

Aphaia in Monetising Big Data in Telecoms World Summit 2017 Singapore

Aphaia is again media partner for Symphony Global Monetising Big Data in Telecoms World Summit 2017 that will take place in Singapore on 20-21 April. This year’s focus: profiting from your effective Big Data strategy. Aphaia’s message: don’t forget data privacy!

GDPR Guidelines for identifying the lead supervisory authority

The key European data protection body, Article 29 Data Protection Working Party, recently published the Guidelines WP 244 for identifying a controller or processor’s lead supervisory authority. Our blog editor Vasiliki explores what they entail.

ePrivacy Regulation to replace ePrivacy Directive – what is new?

The European Commission reviewed the ePrivacy Directive to replace it with ePrivacy Regulation. Two key reasons: the alignment with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and OTT services as the new telecoms reality.