
Categoría: GDPR


Aphaia participates in the event organised by NAIR Center about AI and society in Pamplona

Aphaia’s Managing Partner Cristina Contero Almagro offered a presentation about the Future and Regulation of Artificial Intelligence in Spain at the “AI and Society: Challenges and Opportunities” event organised by NAIR Center in Pamplona on 21st November.   On 21st November, Pamplona became the center of critical discussions about the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI)

Binding Decision by the EDPB amends draft decision on WhatsApp

Binding Decision by the EDPB amends draft decision on controversial WhatsApp policy update, citing infringement of the transparency principle and recalculating the fine. Following the controversial WhatsApp policy update, The Irish Supervisory Authority issued a draft decision. However, the decision invited various objections by other concerned supervisory authorities. According to this report by the European

GDPR-ready workshop con Talent Garden a Torino

Aphaia è particolarmente orgogliosa del GDPR-ready workshop che abbiamo tenuto alla Fondazione Agnelli, Torino, Giovedì 18 Maggio.