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Top 3 things industry wanted to know about Cloud & Big Data Privacy

Top 3 things industry wanted to know about Cloud & Big Data Privacy

June has been a busy month for us in terms of raising industry awareness in relation to privacy and data protection. From London to Istanbul, working with partner conference organisers IQPC and EEL Events, we addressed Big Data privacy concerns and data processing in relation to Cloud computing. 

As European Union data protection laws are getting stricter and analytics technology more complex, Cloud and Big Data privacy is an area that telecoms and IT businesses should not even consider ignoring if they want to ensure their business models operate lawfully, avoiding increasingly harsh penalties and mandatory destruction of their records, and gain consumer trust.


Here are top 3 questions we gathered from the industry at the conferences that  :

1. Do I need individuals’ consent in order to get involved in Big Data analytics? If the data is not anonymised, which may be difficult to achieve in case of Big Data, this is likely to be the case.

2. Can I export data from the EU / my country to a Cloud in another jurisdiction? In the EU, you should normally ensure that the country of export applies adequate data protection rules, obtain consent, or put in place adequate contractual clauses / binding corporate rules.

3. How can I be satisfied that my chosen Cloud provider applies adequate privacy standards? You need to put into place a binding contract. Using model contract clauses can help when exporting data out of the EU.

You can find further information on these topics by downloading our latest  white paper on Cloud & Big Data Privacy  and previous papers in our #TechnologyAndRegulation series, or by means of subscribing to Aphaia regulatory support product.

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The Cloud and Big Data Privacy month
junio 4, 2015
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Monthy roundup, June 2015: privacy and data protection examined
julio 1, 2015

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