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Monthly Round Up: February 2013

Monthly Round Up: February 2013

This month in the news:

  • European Commission Vice President Neelie Kroes has announced €50 million in EU grants for research to deliver 5G mobile technology by 2020, with the aim to put Europe back in the lead of the global mobile industry.
  • The world’s largest food companies are failing to meet ethical standards, a report from Oxfam has warned. None of the leading global brands such as Nestlé, Mars and Coca-Cola were given good overall ratings on their commitments to protect farmers, local communities and the environment.
  • A good reason to leave your car at home: if 1000 people stop using their car for at least one week, European commissioner for the environment Janez Potočnik will write a song and perform it on stage in front of 1000 people
  • New summer flavour: sustainable ice cream! Häagen-Dazs to promote sustainable vanilla farming in Madagascar.
  • A provincial appeals court in Canada has ruled that police can search the mobile phone of an arrested person only if there is no password on that phone. With a digital locking mechanism, however, officers must get a warrant.
  • Did you know? February 13 was World Radio Day.
  • 11 February was the European 112 Day, celebrating and promoting the European emergency number 112.
  • The new European cybersecurity strategy “An Open, Safe and Secure Cyberspace” represents the EU’s vision on how best to prevent and respond to cyber disruptions and attacks.


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USA introduces ‘six strikes’ anti-piracy system
febrero 26, 2013
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World Water Day 2013: international year of water cooperation
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