This month in the news.
- You can now download the Treaty on European Union and the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union, accompanied by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union, and the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community as e-books. Both e-books are free and available in the 23 official languages of the EU.
- ENISA’s first annual report of cyber incidents in the EU shows 51 severe outages were reported over 2011, most affecting mobile telephony or mobile internet.
- See a documentary film about the Share Conference held in Belgrade for the second time this April. Share 2 gathered more than two thousand international activists, bloggers, engineers, programmers and artists who gave their thoughts on new forms of activism and approaches in use of new media and advanced technologies.
- BEREC, the Body of European Regulators unveils its draft work programme for 2013.
- EU privacy watchdogs have ordered Google to change its privacy policy or else face litigation, as the policy features «incomplete information and uncontrolled combination of data across services». Read more about the background of the issue in Aphaia’s article from February of this year.
- The European Commission begins a consultation on the current list of relevant wholesale and retail telecoms markets subject to the Commission’s «Article 7» procedure under EU telecoms rules.
- Australian discount airline Tiger is fined AU$110,000 for not allowing its customers to unsubscribe from spam email mailing lists.
- Icelanders back first ‘crowdsourced constitution’: the text, consisting of 114 articles, has been put together with feedback gathered via social networking websites Facebook and Twitter. News media have dubbed the new Icelandic basic law as the world’s first «crowdsourced constitution».
- The Universal Power Adapter standard has been agreed on by the International Telecommunication Union.
- Is your password ‘ninja’ as well? See the top 25 common, attackable passwords.