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New measures to counter data roaming bill shocks and lower roaming call price caps

New measures to counter data roaming bill shocks and lower roaming call price caps

EU consumers no longer need to worry about accidentally running up huge bills when connecting to the internet via a phone or computer when abroad in the EU.

From 1 July 2010 travellers’ data-roaming limit will now be set automatically at EUR 50 excluding VAT, with the consumer having the option of setting another (higher or lower) limit. Operators will have to send users a warning when they reach 80% of their data-roaming bill limit and cut off the mobile internet connection once the limit has been reached, unless the customer decides against it.

In addition, maximum wholesale prices for data roaming will fall from EUR 1 to 80 cents per MB. The maximum price for making a roaming call will be cut to 39 cents per minute (excluding VAT), instead of the current 43 cents, while receiving a call will cost a maximum of 15 cents per minute (excluding VAT), instead of 19 cents.

The cost of making and receiving calls when abroad in the EU will now be 73% cheaper than in 2005, when the EU first started to tackle excessive roaming charges.

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