
Etiqueta: Amazon

Tag: Amazon

Las grandes tecnológicas presionan por normativa más ligera sobre IA en Europa

Las grandes tecnológicas presionan por una normativa más ligera sobre IA en Europa, tras diversas preocupaciones vinculadas con las multas previstas y las obligaciones de transparencia.   En un esfuerzo final que será determinante, las empresas tecnológicas más grandes del mundo están instando a la Unión Europea (UE) a adoptar una postura más flexible en

Amazon faces possible fines for alleged GDPR violations

Amazon faces possible fines totaling €350 million for alleged GDPR violations.   Luxembourg’s privacy regulator, the CNPD is proposing a fine of at least €350 million on Amazon.com Inc, relating to alleged violations of the GDPR. Before this draft decision can become final, it must first be approved by other EU privacy regulators. A final

Google and Amazon fined: CNIL has fined the two major companies for unlawful cookies.

Google and Amazon, fined by CNIL of France, for placing cookies on users’ computers without getting prior consent or giving satisfactory information. The CNIL reported last week that both companies have been sanctioned, for their misuse of cookies which breached the French Data Protection Act. Following several investigations from December 12th 2019 to May 19th