
Etiqueta: Competition Law

Tag: Competition Law

German court: Facebook data practices breach competition law.

German court: Facebook data practices breach competition law due to its data collection practices from its suite of apps and through external websites.   Germany strikes Facebook’s business model as the German Competition Authority  has launched an inquiry into the data collection practices of the social media and data collection giant with their local court.

Regulatory case law, June 2015: financing internet subscription services at a fixed location

This past June the ECJ ruled on financing mechanisms in internet subscription services requiring a connection to the internet at a fixed location.

Regulatory case law, May 2015: distribution rights in protected works

This May the European Court of Justice ruled on the exclusive right of authors to prohibit the distribution of the original of their works to the public.

Regulatory case law, December 2014: waste management, green electricity and dominant position in mobile telephony

In December 2014 the ECJ ruled on privacy in recording public spaces, dominant positions in telecoms, and green electricity.

EU regulatory case law, September 2014: telecoms operators’ tax on establishments and the Flemish green energy certificate

Should telecoms operators pay tax on establishments, and can States provide incentives for domestic green electricity?

EU regulatory case law, May 2014: Google found responsible for processing of personal data in case C-131/12

Read about, among other, case C-131/12 against Google, where the search operator was found responsible for the processing of personal data on web pages. For a more detailed analysis of the judgement, check out the article 'EU Court Google judgement: not so much a landmark decision' from Aphaia's Chief Consultant Dr Bostjan Makarovic.

Monthly Round Up: May 2013

The possible end for EU roaming charges and a guarantee of net neutrality, the questionable independence of the Estonian telecoms regulator, the wide gap between US and EU mobile networks and more than 400ppm of CO2 in Earth’s atmosphere, all in the news this May.

Next Generation Access Recommendation and competition law issues

On 20 September 2010 the European Commission issued a Recommendation on regulated access to Next Generation Access Networks (NGA).