
Etiqueta: Cookies

Tag: Cookies

Multa a Coolblue de 40.000 € por infringir el RGPD al tratar datos personales de forma ilegítima a través de cookies

Coolblue ha sido sancionada con una multa de 40.000 € por la Autoridad de Protección de Datos de los Países Bajos (AP) por tratar datos personales de manera ilegítima mediante cookies, al no obtener el consentimiento explícito.   La Autoridad de Protección de Datos de los Países Bajos (AP) ha impuesto recientemente una multa de

Facebook cookie injunction has been dropped

CNIL has recently lifted an injunction placed on Facebook last December, regarding the company’s use of cookies.     Last December, CNIL ordered Facebook Ireland Limited to allow the use of facebook.com by users in France, in a manner that allows these users to refuse having cookies deposited on their device, just as easily as they

Cookie consent pop-ups among the ICO’s intended topics of discussion at the recent G7 meeting

Cookie consent pop-ups need to be tackled in order to provide more meaningful consent and a better browsing experience, according to the ICO.   At a recent meeting for the data protection authorities of G7 countries, the ICO decided to tackle the topic of cookie consent pop-ups. The ICO has mentioned that there have been

French DPA provides GDPR recommendations regarding chatbots

CNIL of France has provided GDPR recommendations regarding chatbots and insights on the implications of their use.    Chatbots are a fairly common feature on websites today, providing users with an experience of having frequently asked questions answered quickly and easily, and providing other useful information in an interactive way. Personal data is typically processed

Monthly roundup, May 2015: agriculture and climate change, cookies and eCall

From not giving agriculture a free pass in climate change, to EU cookie rules and the new eCall automatic dialing system to be installed in all new European cars - this is what was happening in May.

Cookie Rules in the EU

We examine the cookie rules in force in the EU and talk about what companies should watch for.

Websites required to obtain consent for all non-essential cookies

The Article 29 working group, a group of 27 EU national data protection and privacy authorities, has adopted an opinion on cookie consent exemption as described in the e-Privacy Directive. More in an article by Aphaia»s guest blogger Jure Merčun after the jump.

Digital Advertising Alliance announces tools for online advertising control

The American Digital Advertising Alliance (DAA) has announced it is working on providing tools to allow US-based internet users to opt out of being tracked in online behavioral advertising (OBA). The DAA expects that within nine months users will be able to control OBA tracking via HTTP headers sent by their web browser. Read more

The European Commission urges web companies to agree on a 'do-not-track' standard

Digital agenda commissioner Neelie Kroes called upon the web industry to agree on a do-not-track (DNT) standard at the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) meeting in Brussels, reiterating her demand from June 2011 that the standard is to be implemented within a year.  Read why a DNT standard is important in an article by Aphaia»s

European privacy advocates warn about the use of ‘cookies’ in behavioural advertising

European privacy advocates have expressed their criticism of the advertising industry’s self-imposed code on behavioural advertising, especially in relation to the tracking of online browsing habits via the use of ‘cookies’.