
Etiqueta: CSR

Tag: CSR

Monthly roundup, August 2015: Sharing data between EU and US, privacy and data protection

This past August: our CSR app to turn your costs into benefits, and an important change closer than ever - sharing data between EU and US.

Monthy roundup, July 2015: Aphaia’s CSR app and IP workshops

In July: Aphaia announces its CSR App and partners with Queen Mary University of London to deliver IP workshops.

CSR Mandate in India – Rebranding CSR to improve India Inc.’s willingness to pay

India has mandated a CSR legislation, making her the first country to attempt at enforcing social spending and reporting.

Is your company ready for the EU non-financial reporting (CSR) Directive?

According to the Proposal for the EU that just passed through the European Parliament, large EU companies will now have to disclose non-financial information pertaining to their CSR measures. Companies may see such sustainability reporting as a burden, but CSR can be profitable as well – why not get the best of both worlds, sustainability

Corporate Social Responsibility: it works, but do we know to measure how?

Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR is meant to function as a self-regulating mechanism of companies that ensures their compliance with the spirit of ethical standards and, not to a lesser degree, endears them to their customers; but is really that simple and how do we measure its effect on what people are buying?