
Etiqueta: Data Protection

Tag: Data Protection
Page 17

Riley v California: Cell phones cannot be searched without a warrant says US Supreme Court

The US Supreme Court has voted for the protection of digital information from an arrested individual’s cell phone.

EU Court Google judgement: not so much a landmark decision

The EU Court Google judgement on data protection is one of those decisions stating the obvious, yet still causing a stir.

EU regulatory case law, May 2014: Google found responsible for processing of personal data in case C-131/12

Read about, among other, case C-131/12 against Google, where the search operator was found responsible for the processing of personal data on web pages. For a more detailed analysis of the judgement, check out the article 'EU Court Google judgement: not so much a landmark decision' from Aphaia's Chief Consultant Dr Bostjan Makarovic.

Are your operations affected by the new EU Data Protection Regulation?

Following the European Parliament vote on the EU Data Protection Regulation, the provisions of the latter are slowly becoming a reality. The following tips can help businesses prepare for the new rules.

EU regulatory case law: April 2014

This past April the European Court of Justice declared the Data Retention Directive (Directive 2006/24/EC on the retention of data in the provision of electronic communications services) to be invalid - read about this extremely important judgement and about other judgements by the ECJ in Aphaia's latest issue of EU regulatory case law review, the

Monthly Round Up: February 2014

This past January in the news: the EU wants to take the helm when it comes to internet governance and safeguard open Internet, while Turkey passes legislation allowing authorities to block access to web pages for violations of privacy. Oh, and 94% of Europeans limit their use of social media abroad because of roaming charges.

Big Data and Mobile Commerce – Aphaia webinar

Missed Aphaia's live webinar 'Big Data and Mobile Commerce: What it Means for Privacy and Data Protection at BrightTalk? No worries - check out the webcast of the webinar and stay up to date on how big data and mobile tie in with data protection.

Monthly Round Up: January 2014

This past January in the news: Enisa publishes its report on ‪power supply‬ dependencies in Europe, 2030 EU climate and energy goals are published, and we host a webinar on big data and privacy. Oh, and our white papers are now available as e-books!

EU regulatory case law: December 2013

In our new monthly series, Apahia's guest blogger Ines Grah takes a look at the recent judgements by the European Court of Justice and the General Court, highlighting the most relevant developments in energy, data protection, competition and environment.

Is big data coupled with mobile location undermining the fundamentals of the EU data protection regime?

There have been many voices saying that privacy is dead, as it is so easy to breach: content-rich transactions and social media data trail combined with our mobile location makes us an easy target for profiling and other types of privacy intrusion. The question is therefore automatically raised: how does data protection regulation apply to