
Etiqueta: DPO

Tag: DPO

Spanish DPA issues €25,000 fine to Glovo for Data Protection Officer appointment violation

The Spanish Data Protection Authority (DPA) AEPD fined Glovo €25,000 for not appointing a Data Protection Officer pursuant to article 37 GDPR. Have you ever wondered whether your business is subject to the DPO designation requirement covered by the GDPR? The ambiguity of the GDPR when it comes to the definition of the cases where

DPO-legal counsel collaboration is essential. So we recommend LegalEdge

DPO-legal counsel collaboration is essential. That is why the Aphaia DPO team is always happy to work with in-house counsel from LegalEdge, whose COO Helen Goldberg and CEO Donna Sewell use this blog post to ask: ‘Are you spending too much (or too little!) on your legals?’  Part of scaling-up and growing your business means increasing

Do I need a Data Protection Officer ?

The answer to the question do I need a Data Protection Officer under GDPR is not always straightforward. Here are some tips you can use in order to reach a valid decision on appointing a DPO. Formal Data Protection Officer or informal Data Protection Adviser? The question ‘ do I need a Data Protection Officer

GDPR direct application explained by European Commission

Four months before the General Data Protection Regulation ( GDPR ) comes into force, the EU Commission released a communication to the EU Parliament and Council on GDPR direct application , highlighting the innovations and opportunities of the new legal system, the measures already taken by the involved parties and the further steps to be

Early Data Protection Officer appointment

Although companies are not obliged to appoint a Data Protection Officer before May 2018, we are often asked to already provide Data Protection Officer services now – to help with GDPR implementation. So we started offering ‘ early Data Protection Officer appointment ‘. Early Data Protection Officer appointment means that your appointed Data Protection Officer

GDPR Summary

GDPR Summary: here is how new EU rules will affect data The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a new set of European legislation designed to reform and harmonise the rules on individuals’ personal data. Ratified by the European Parliament on April 2016, it will enter into force on 2018.

Data Protection Officer (DPO): a new Must-have in EU law

The new European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) sets wider and more stringent requirements in data regulation and introduces a new figure: the Data Protection Officer (DPO). The main task a DPO is to ensure that a company’s activities are in line with the new rules, and to help to avert huge fines.