
Etiqueta: e-Privacy Directive

Tag: e-Privacy Directive

Data Protection Act 1998: a summary

We decided to publish a Data Protection Act (1998) Summary to help companies assessing their compliance needs in relation to data. The act has a reputation for its complexity: this Summary will provide you with a good knowledge of its key provisions. Who must comply with the Act, and for what?

Improved EU rules for stolen personal data online

EU common rules enable a high standard of protection for your personal information everywhere in Europe, and their scope has just been expanded by new specific rules for consumers when telecoms personal data is lost or stolen.

Websites required to obtain consent for all non-essential cookies

The Article 29 working group, a group of 27 EU national data protection and privacy authorities, has adopted an opinion on cookie consent exemption as described in the e-Privacy Directive. More in an article by Aphaia»s guest blogger Jure Merčun after the jump.

European data protection rules to be reformed

The European Commission has proposed a reform of European data protection rules in order to strengthen online privacy rights, as the current EU data protection legislation from 1995 does not take into account the technological progress of recent years.