
Etiqueta: ENISA


European Cybercrime Centre to open today

As from 11 January 2013 the new European Cybercrime Centre (EC3) will be up and running to help protect European citizens and businesses from cyber crime.

Monthly Round Up: October 2012

This month in the news.

October is Cyber Security Month

This October marks the start of the first European Cyber Security Month. Organized by ENISA, the European Network and Information Security Agency under the motto ‘Be Aware, Be Secure’, the Cyber Security Month will feature several pilot projects from select EU countries with the aim of raising information security awareness.

First trans-Atlantic cyber attack simulation conducted

The European Union and United States of America have for the first time conducted a joint test of trans-Atlantic responses to cyber incidents. The joint test took place in Brussels in early November and featured a simulation of how cyber security authorities on both sides of the Atlantic would cooperate in response to cyber attacks.

Five solutions to smartphone security risks identified by the EU cyber security agency

ENISA, the European Network and Information Security Agency tackling cyber security issues in the European Union, has published a report on smartphone app-store security.