
Etiqueta: European Commission

Tag: European Commission
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Re-examining personal data protection in the European Union

In today’s age of of rapid technological developments, globalization and the ever-more elaborated and hard-to-detect ways of collecting personal data, the question arises whether the existing EU data protection legislation is still enough to effectively cope with the task of protecting an individual’s personal data. To this end in May 2009 the European Commission launched 

Next Generation Access Recommendation and competition law issues

On 20 September 2010 the European Commission issued a Recommendation on regulated access to Next Generation Access Networks (NGA).

Net Neutrality consultation: consensus on importance of preserving open internet

As part of the 2009 EU telecoms reform package, the Commission committed itself to scrutinise closely the open and neutral nature of the internet and to report on the state of play to the European Parliament and the EU’s Council of Ministers. To this end the Commission on 30 June 2010 launched a public consultation

Eurobarometer: an increasing number of Europeans using digital technologies

Europeans are becoming increasingly “digital” according to a European Commission Eurobarometer survey which questioned 27,000 households throughout the EU on their use of internet, telephones and TV. The survey showed that more Europeans are subscribing to broadband internet, however, internet users surveyed have expressed concerns about cost, quality of service and security, as well as

European Commission outlines measures to deliver fast and ultra-fast broadband in Europe

Currently Europe as a region has the highest average levels of broadband take-up worldwide (24.8%) but its networks need to be further developed and upgraded. Today only 1% of Europeans have a high-speed fibre internet connection directly to their homes, compared to 12% of Japanese and 15% of South Koreans. The European Commission thus adopted

Digital Agenda: European Commission launches consultation on net neutrality

As open and neutral internet underpins many of the targets set out in the Digital Agenda for Europe, in June the European Commission launched a consultation on key questions arising from the issue of net neutrality.

The new “Europe 2020” strategy finalized

On 17 June 2010 European leaders adopted “Europe 2020“, a new 10 year strategy for jobs and growth which will promote the delivery of structural reforms. Member States will over the coming months discuss how specific policies can be mobilized to unlock the growth potential of the European Union.

EU telecoms rules inconsistently applied across the EU

According to the European Commission’s 15th annual report on the  implementation of the telecoms regulatory framework in Member States released on 25 May 2010, EU telecoms rules are being inconsistently applied across the European Union, with citizens and businesses  the ones paying the price.

Paving the way for net neutrality in Europe

During the review of the 2002 EU Regulatory Framework, provisions on net neutrality have also found their way into the European law.