
Etiqueta: European Commission

Tag: European Commission
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Latest Aphaia e-book: Review of the new EU Electronic Communications Regulatory Framework proposal

In Aphaia we are always happy to bring you something new: as promised, we have begun to transform all of our white papers into Aphaia e-books, beginning with a select few. We are happy to announce that our white paper on the review of the new EU Electronic Communications Regulatory Framework proposal has been published

Another review of the European Commission Relevant Markets Recommendation – from economic regulation to dogma?

In 2003, European Commission believed there were 18 relevant telecoms product markets susceptible for ex ante regulation across Europe. In 2007, the number went down to 7. We are now to be left with only 4 relevant markets. Is this a true reflection of a gradual shift to a fully competitive market for electronic communications

EU framework on climate and energy: renewable is king

The European Commission has outlined its goals for a competitive and low-carbon future EU economy in a proposal of the new EU framework on climate and energy for 2030, with renewable energy playing a key role in the future of European energy production.

Monthly Round Up: February 2014

This past January in the news: the EU wants to take the helm when it comes to internet governance and safeguard open Internet, while Turkey passes legislation allowing authorities to block access to web pages for violations of privacy. Oh, and 94% of Europeans limit their use of social media abroad because of roaming charges.

Electronic devices to be allowed on EU flights

Some would say – finally! The European Commission introduced new rules that will allow wireless communication technology to be used on board aircrafts flying over EU. The European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) will publish guidelines soon which will extend to all phases of flight the possibility to use personal electronic devices, as long as the

Two steps forward to an integrated EU energy market

The potential for an integrated European energy market has been a key priority for the European Union and an important topic for the Lithuanian EU Council Presidency. In order to accomplish a fully connected energy market, efforts have been made to put in place the right regulatory and infrastructure conditions.

Monthly Round Up: October 2013

Happened this October: ACER publishes its work programme 2014, The Economist says that Europe’s electricity providers are in trouble, the European Commission claims that there should be fewer telecoms markets in Europe, and we see how the world would look like if each country were as big as its amount of citizens with internet access.

Green light for ‘Connected Continent’

Despite some severe criticism, the Council of the European Union green lit the 'Connected Continent' telecoms reform package in its meeting yesterday in Brussels.

‘Connected Continent’: Full analysis of the European Commission telecoms proposal now out!

We are happy to announce that our full SWOT analysis of the Framework Proposal is now available, containing an in-depth review of the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the 'Connected Continent' proposal.

Aphaia at FTTx Summit Eastern Europe: do we really need to ‘fix’ the telecoms sector?

Aphaia participated in the FTTx Summit Eastern Europe conference that took place in Warsaw from 7 to 9 October 2013. Read more about the event after the jump.