
Etiqueta: European Commission

Tag: European Commission
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Proposed unified European sales law to boost trade, including eCommerce

The European Commission has proposed an optional Common European Sales Law that is to transcend barriers to cross-border trade in the EU. The law now needs to be approved by EU Member States and the European Parliament.

Cars to be able to dial emergency services in case of serious accidents by 2015

An emergency call system for road accidents is to be part of all new models of cars and light vehicles in the EU from 2015 onwards. The eCall system will automatically dial the single European emergency number 112 in the event of a serious accident, communicating the vehicle’s location to first respondents even when participants

Online shopping in the EU increases despite legal barriers

The  European Parliament’s Committee on Internal Market and Consumer Protection has published a study on consumer behaviour in a digital environment that analyses consumer behaviour and the interaction between consumers and businesses online, examining how consumers benefit from the digital environment and whether and how they change their purchasing behaviour.

Brussels asks for clarifications on AVMS Directive implementation

In September the European Commission sent letters to eight EU Member States, Austria, Cyprus, Estonia, Germany, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania and Luxemburg, asking for information about their implementation of the Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMS). The countries are to reply to the Commission in 10 weeks.

Legal action started against Member States late in implementing new EU telecoms rules

The European Commission has started legal action against 20 Member States that have not notified measures to implement the new EU telecoms rules into national law. Letters of formal notice under EU infringement procedures were sent to states that have failed to notify said measures by 25 May 2011.

New European Commission consultation aims to modernise the online audiovisual environment

The European Commission has launched a consultation on the online distribution of television programmes, films and other audiovisual works in the EU.

Prices of roaming calls in the EU to lower by 2012, roaming mobile surcharges to end by 2015

The European Commission has announced that EU mobile operators will have to once again lower retail prices of roaming calls in the EU. The final goal of the EU is to end mobile roaming surcharges by 2015 by boosting competition in the market, the Commission adds.

EU Data Retention Directive harmful to privacy?

The European data protection supervisor, Peter Hustinx, whose primary objective is to ensure that European institutions and bodies respect the right to privacy and data protection when they process personal data and develop new policies has issued an opinion on the EU 2006 Data Retention Directive, determining it to contradict privacy and data protection rights.

New telecoms rules to be implemented

Europeans will enjoy new rights and services regarding phones, mobile and Internet, thanks to the revised EU rules on telecoms networks and services. The rules, adopted by the European Parliament and Council in late 2009, had to be implemented into national laws of the EU-27 countries by 25th May 2011.

Improving online public services in the EU

In December 2010 the European Commission presented a five-year eGovernment Action Plan that aims to expand and improve the public services that Member States offer online. In cooperation with Member States’ public authorities, the Commission plans to deliver innovative and efficient online public services to citizens and businesses.