
Etiqueta: GDPR adaptation

Tag: GDPR adaptation

Luxembourg GDPR Law

Luxembourg Law complementing the GDPR The Regulation (EU) 2016/679  of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (General Data Protection Regulation) (“GDPR”) which entered into force in May 2018 provides for the possibility

Spain approves new Data Protection Law

New Royal Decree-Law on Data Protection in Spain A new Royal Decree-Law on Data Protection has been approved in Spain as part of the GDPR adaptation process. A Royal Decree-Law is a legal rule having the force of a law in the Spanish legal system. This is an important regulatory measure for Privacy in the

GDPR deadline and GDPR compliance snake oil

“GDPR deadline” is on 24th May at midnight. Anyone promising GDPR compliance to businesses who start their adaptation process now is likely to be selling them snake oil. But embarking on a serious journey of GDPR compliance is still indispensable – no matter how late one begins it. During the last year or so, I

Do I need a Data Protection Officer ?

The answer to the question do I need a Data Protection Officer under GDPR is not always straightforward. Here are some tips you can use in order to reach a valid decision on appointing a DPO. Formal Data Protection Officer or informal Data Protection Adviser? The question ‘ do I need a Data Protection Officer

How to implement GDPR transparency requirement ?

Article 29 Data Protection Working Party provides useful guidance for the implementation and interpretation of the GDPR transparency requirement via its recently published guidelines. Transparency is one of the fundamental obligations to fulfil as part of GDPR compliance, since it is linked to the principles of fairness and accountability. GDPR transparency requirement contributes significantly to

GDPR to do list this autumn

GDPR starts to apply less than a year from now – which seems like a reason enough to panic for many data-driven organisations who have so far not addressed the transition to GDPR. But instead of panicking, it may be better to have a look at our autumn GDPR to do list. 1. Map your

‘GDPR practitioner’ ? I prefer ‘privacy professional’ instead

This article is not about discrediting any GDPR practitioner courses, certifications, or people who are part of them. But emerging privacy profession and data protection professionals need to strive for credibility, starting with clear language.

Why appointing Data Protection Officer is not the first step in GDPR compliance

Appointing Data Protection Officer might not be the first step for your company to take when it comes to GDPR compliance. Yes – you are likely to need a Data Protection Officer. But it is naive to expect a Data Protection Officer will be able to ensure GDPR compliance from day one.

GDPR adaptation – what does it comprise?

Businesses typically ask us to perform GDPR adaptation for them. Indeed, every European business processing personal data should complete GDPR adaptation by May 2018. But what does such a GDPR adaptation really comprise?