
Etiqueta: GDPR

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GDPR adaptation – what does it comprise?

Businesses typically ask us to perform GDPR adaptation for them. Indeed, every European business processing personal data should complete GDPR adaptation by May 2018. But what does such a GDPR adaptation really comprise?

Biometrics researcher Christina-Angeliki Toli on GDPR biometrics challenges

Christina-Angeliki Toli, data mining specialist currently working as a cryptographer/biometrics researcher engineer, talks to us about GDPR biometrics challenges including privacy-by design solutions that are not only secure but also respect the rights of their users.

GDPR workshop in Turin with Talent Garden Startup community

Aphaia’s Business Development Director Giulia Barcaro conducted a get ready for GDPR workshop with startups from the Talent Garden Startup community and other members of Turin business community.

GDPR Data Protection Impact Assessment – basic information

When introducing new data processing techniques and technologies that pose high privacy risk, GDPR will require your company to conduct data protection impact assessment. This privacy impact assessment operation should establish whether to go ahead with the planned operations and under what conditions.

Data Protection Officer employment – or outsourcing?

As the GDPR deadline draws closer, many European companies are considering Data Protection Officer employment requirements. But unless you are huge and can afford to employ best of the best privacy experts, outsourcing might be a better option for your Data Protection Officer than employment.

Top 3 GDPR Big Data implications

In discussions on GDPR Big Data regularly pops up as one of the reasons for a new approach to privacy at the EU level. So what are the key Big Data-related  provisions of the new European data protection law – the General Data Protection Regulation?

GDPR Summary

GDPR Summary: here is how new EU rules will affect data The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a new set of European legislation designed to reform and harmonise the rules on individuals’ personal data. Ratified by the European Parliament on April 2016, it will enter into force on 2018.

Data Protection Officer (DPO): a new Must-have in EU law

The new European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) sets wider and more stringent requirements in data regulation and introduces a new figure: the Data Protection Officer (DPO). The main task a DPO is to ensure that a company’s activities are in line with the new rules, and to help to avert huge fines.