
Etiqueta: GDPR

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Draft of new Standard Contractual Clauses published by the European Commission

On 12 November 2020, the European Commission published a draft Implementing Decision on new Standard Contractual Clauses for the transfer of personal data to third countries. The CJEU judgement in the Schrems II case has brought to light some deficiencies in the current guarantees applied to international data transfers. Apart from invalidating the Privacy Shield,

Marketing Executive banned by the Insolvency Service for thousands of unsolicited marketing calls.

Marketing executive banned by the Insolvency Service for six years after making 75,500 unsolicited marketing calls. A former director of a marketing company has been banned from acting as a director or directly or indirectly becoming involved, in the promotion, formation or management of a company, without the permission of the court. For the next

EDPB releases statement of clarification on the concepts of controller and processor

EDPB releases statement of clarification on the concepts of controller and processor, as well as other key functional concepts in the GDPR. The concepts of controller, joint controller and processor play such a key role in the application of the GDPR that it is imperative that these roles and their functions be clear. As a

ICO fines Ticketmaster UK Limited 1.39 million Euros, over chatbot cyber attack.

ICO fines Ticketmaster UK Limited 1.39 million Euros under the GDPR, for failing to prevent chatbot cyber attack.   The ICO has fined Ticketmaster UK in relation to a recent data breach which potentially affected over 9 million customers across the EU. This data breach was orchestrated via a chatbot which the company installed on

First Code of Conduct under the GDPR approved by the Spanish DPA.

The first Code of Conduct under the GDPR has been approved by the Spanish DPA. The Spanish Agency for Data Protection (AEPD), in enforcing the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Law and guarantee of digital rights, has approved the first code of conduct based on the provisions of articles 40 and 41

ICO provides SAR guidance for organizations receiving requests.

ICO provides SAR guidance to simplify the process for, and give better understanding to organizations receiving subject access requests.   The ICO published information last month, geared at giving guidance to organizations who may receive subject access requests (SARs). As the weight of personal data becomes more apparent to individuals, more people are exercising their

Marriott International Inc fined under the GDPR.

Marriott international Inc was fined under the GDPR, by the ICO, for failing to keep customers’ information safe.   Marriott International Inc has been met with a fine from the ICO with regards to a data breach following a cyber attack initiated in 2014, but discovered in 2018, about which we informed in our blog

A data broking investigation by ICO results in enforcement action against Experian.

A data broking investigation conducted over the past two years has resulted in an enforcement action against the company Experian.   A data broking investigation into Experian as well as Equifax and TransUnion and their use of personal data within their data broken businesses has resulted in enforcement action. The ICO published a report earlier

The AEPD launched a tool to aid data controllers in determining whether they need to communicate a data security breach.

The AEPD launched a tool to aid data controllers in quickly determining whether or not it is necessary to communicate a data security breach to affected data subjects.   On October 22nd 2020, the Spanish DPA (AEPD) reported that it had published a tool to aid data controllers in making decisions regarding whether or not

H&M fined by HmbBfDI, over 35M Euro for data protection breaches.

H&M fined by the Hamburg Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (HmbBfDI), over 35M Euro for data protection breaches. H&M has been fined by the Hamburg Commissioner for Data Protection and Freedom of Information (HmbBfDI). H&M (Hennes & Mauritz), the popular clothing company, registered in Hamburg with a service center in Nuremberg and