
Etiqueta: Information Society

Tag: Information Society
Page 7

October is Cyber Security Month

This October marks the start of the first European Cyber Security Month. Organized by ENISA, the European Network and Information Security Agency under the motto ‘Be Aware, Be Secure’, the Cyber Security Month will feature several pilot projects from select EU countries with the aim of raising information security awareness.

Monthly Round Up: September 2012

This month in the news.

Monthly Round Up: August 2012

This month in the news.

Europe investing € 365 million in smart cities in 2013

With almost three quarters of Europeans living in cities that are consuming 70 % of Europe’s energy, the European Union is focusing on making its cities more efficient by investing € 365 million in smart technology.

Children not reporting harmful content online

EU Kids Online, an international network funded by the EU Safer Internet Programme has published a report on the behaviour of children online that takes a look at industry strategies compared to what children actually do while on the Internet.

GOTO 1982: development of computing in Slovenia

To honour 30th anniversary of the first publicly available computer ZX Spectrum, which was introduced on the market in April 1982, the Slovene National Museum of Contemporary History has unveiled the GOTO 1982 exhibition on the development of computing in Slovenia.

Monthly Round Up: July 2012

This month in the news.

European Commission opens new consultation on net neutrality

The European Commission has launched a new public consultation on net neutrality with a view to its commitment to preserve the open and neutral character of the Internet.

ACTA: a timeline

See the timeline of ACTA, from the negotiations to the Agreement being rejected by the European Parliament and the subsequent reports that controversial ACTA provisions are to be implemented  as part of a different EU treaty.   

Websites required to obtain consent for all non-essential cookies

The Article 29 working group, a group of 27 EU national data protection and privacy authorities, has adopted an opinion on cookie consent exemption as described in the e-Privacy Directive. More in an article by Aphaia»s guest blogger Jure Merčun after the jump.