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Aphaia joins European AI Alliance

Aphaia joins European AI Alliance

We are happy to announce that Aphaia has become a member of the European AI Alliance

The European AI Alliance is a multi-stakeholder forum for engaging in a broad and open discussion of all aspects of AI development and its impact on the economy and society.

As members of the European AI Alliance we will be able to interact with the High-Level Expert Group on AI (AI HLEG), which was appointed by the European Commission to support the implementation of the European strategy on AI and serves as the Steering Group of the Alliance.

We will actively contribute to the discussion on the future of AI through a dedicated platform where we will provide our thoughts on the matter. Our input and feedback will be considered to feed in to the European Commission’s policy-making in this area and the AI HLEG will be able to draw on this input when preparing its drafts and Guidelines, which includes the elaboration of recommendations on ethical, legal and societal issues related to AI.

As AI Ethics frontrunners we feel proud and grateful to be part of this exciting and challenging initiative and we are looking forward to being involved in the EU AI debate.

As part of the activities carried out so far, the AI HLEG presented a first draft of the Guidelineson AI Ethics in December 2018. Following further deliberations by the group in light of discussions on the European AI Alliance, a stakeholder consultation and meetings with representatives from Member States, the Guidelines were revised and published in April 2019.

If you need advice on your AI product, Aphaia offers both AI ethics and Data Protection Impact Assessments.

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