
Etiqueta: Aphaia

Tag: Aphaia
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Another review of the European Commission Relevant Markets Recommendation – from economic regulation to dogma?

In 2003, European Commission believed there were 18 relevant telecoms product markets susceptible for ex ante regulation across Europe. In 2007, the number went down to 7. We are now to be left with only 4 relevant markets. Is this a true reflection of a gradual shift to a fully competitive market for electronic communications

Corporate Social Responsibility: it works, but do we know to measure how?

Corporate Social Responsibility or CSR is meant to function as a self-regulating mechanism of companies that ensures their compliance with the spirit of ethical standards and, not to a lesser degree, endears them to their customers; but is really that simple and how do we measure its effect on what people are buying?

Big Data and Mobile Commerce – Aphaia webinar

Missed Aphaia's live webinar 'Big Data and Mobile Commerce: What it Means for Privacy and Data Protection at BrightTalk? No worries - check out the webcast of the webinar and stay up to date on how big data and mobile tie in with data protection.

Monthly Round Up: January 2014

This past January in the news: Enisa publishes its report on ‪power supply‬ dependencies in Europe, 2030 EU climate and energy goals are published, and we host a webinar on big data and privacy. Oh, and our white papers are now available as e-books!

Is big data coupled with mobile location undermining the fundamentals of the EU data protection regime?

There have been many voices saying that privacy is dead, as it is so easy to breach: content-rich transactions and social media data trail combined with our mobile location makes us an easy target for profiling and other types of privacy intrusion. The question is therefore automatically raised: how does data protection regulation apply to

Facebook sued for mining private messages – is online privacy really dead?

Facebook has been hit with a class-action lawsuit over claims it monitors its users' private messages, selling the data collected to advertisers.

Aphaia at FTTx Summit Eastern Europe: do we really need to ‘fix’ the telecoms sector?

Aphaia participated in the FTTx Summit Eastern Europe conference that took place in Warsaw from 7 to 9 October 2013. Read more about the event after the jump.

Monthly Round Up: September 2013

Spain really really does not like online piracy, Google knows everything you type into your smartphone, and Aphaia’s Boštjan Makarovič thinks that there is still a general lack of competitive market-based thinking amongst policy-makers in Slovenia – this month in the news.

»Instant solutions appealing to users being sought«

Aphaia’s Chief Consultant Boštjan Makarovič commented on the European Commission’s plans to harmonize European telecoms prices for the Slovene newspaper Delo. Such harmonisation could have as a consequence a lack of investment and the downfall of small operators, agrees Makarovič.

Pravna praksa magazine: New Slovenian Electronic Communications Act – a local spin on the EU regulatory framework

In the latest issue of the Slovene legal magazine Pravna Praksa Aphaia’s Chief Consultant Dr Boštjan Makarovič writes about the new Slovene Electronic Communications Act.