
Etiqueta: Telecommunications

Tag: Telecommunications
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World Telecommunication and Information Society Day 2013

Today we are celebrating the World Telecommunication and Information Society Day. The day helps raise awareness of the possibilities that the use of the Internet and other information and communication technologies (ICT) can bring to societies and economies, as well as of ways to bridge the digital divide.

Monthly Round Up: April 2013

This month we celebrated Earth Day 2013, found out how the end of the DVD will benefit the environment and how to delete your online life, and can now tell the difference between US and EU data protection.

Aphaia at FTTx Summit 2013: resolving the rural FTTx investment gridlock

Aphaia’s Chief Consultant Boštjan Makarovič spoke today at the IQPC FTTx Summit Europe 2013 conference in Berlin about the policy and regulatory options of resolving the European rural FTTx investment gridlock.

What can UK broadband providers do to improve?

Read an article by our guest blogger Matt Powell, the editor of Broadband Genie, a consumer focused information site offering advice on home and mobile broadband, in which he discusses how UK broadband providers can improve diminishing customer satisfaction by implementing a few simple fundamental rules.

Nature of teens’ internet use transformed with always-on connections

Do you know how your teenager is accessing the internet? The Pew Research Center's Internet and American Life Project has published a new study that looks at USA teens and their use of computers, tablets and smartphones.

40 years of the mobile phone: infographic

How time flies: yesterday marked the 40th anniversary of the first ever call on a mobile phone, made by Motorola employee Martin Cooper in New York in 1973 on a Motorola DynaTAC.

Monthly Round Up: March 2013

Read about the new EU rules to cut by 30% the cost of rolling out high-speed Internet, the candidates for the European Green Capital 2015 and see pictures of Earth Hour 2013.

Aphaia and Ventura Team prepare strategy for developing high-speed broadband in rural areas

Together with London consultancy Ventura Team, Aphaia has prepared a study with the optimal strategy for developing high speed-broadband in the rural areas of Slovenia, an example of a country with early mass market FTTH investment and competition that, however, remained limited to urban areas.

Mobile apps must obtain meaningful consent from user, limit the purpose of collecting data and minimize data collected

European privacy watchdogs have published an opinion addressing the key data protection risks of mobile apps. The document clarifies the EU legal framework applicable to the processing of personal data in apps on smart devices and outlines several obligations in developing and distributing apps on smart devices.

Monthly Round Up: February 2013

€50 million in EU grants for 5G mobile technology, World Radio Day, European 112 Day, new EU cybersecurity strategy, sustainable ice cream and much more in the news this February.