Boštjan Makarovič, Aphaia’s Chief Consultant will attend the Eastern Caribbean Telecommunications Authority’s regional conference on the draft Electronic Communications Bill.
It has been reported that Swedish telecoms operators are seeking to block mobile phone users in Sweden from making free calls with services like Skype.
The European Union has reached a preliminary deal on the new EU Roaming Rules proposed by the European Commission last year. The European Parliament is expected to approve the agreement in May 2012 and the Council in June, paving the way for the new rules to enter into force on 1 July 2012.
The European Commission has referred Hungary to the European Court of Justice for failing to end a special tax on the turnover of telecommunications operators. The tax in question was introduced in October 2010 in response to the economic crisis of the country.
The European Commission has once again exercised its power of suspending proposed telecoms regulatory measures and has halted the implementation of new SMS termination rates in Denmark and the proposed increase of fixed and mobile telephony termination rates in the Netherlands.
The European Commission has, in line with its powers under the 2009 Telecoms Directive, put a stop to Polish telecommunications regulator UKE’s intention to set mobile termination rates for the Polish operator AERO2. The case marks the first time the Commission has expressed an intention of using its new powers of vetoing proposed regulatory remedies.
The first European Radio Spectrum Policy Programme, setting up a comprehensive EU radio policy and thus providing the platform for further improvements to wireless services is to come into force after being endorsed by Member States.
ENISA, the European Network and Information Security Agency tackling cyber security issues in the European Union, has published a report on smartphone app-store security.
An emergency call system for road accidents is to be part of all new models of cars and light vehicles in the EU from 2015 onwards. The eCall system will automatically dial the single European emergency number 112 in the event of a serious accident, communicating the vehicle’s location to first respondents even when participants