


Possible fines under US data protection laws

With various state-level data protection laws coming into force across the US, what possible fines could a business face for violating any of those laws?    In the United States, while there isn’t a comprehensive federal data protection law, more and more state laws governing the protection of personal data are coming into force, imposing

Montana aprueba la Ley de Privacidad de Datos del Consumidor

La Ley de Privacidad de Datos del Consumidor de Montana es una pieza legislativa clave que tiene como objetivo proteger los datos de los consumidores de Montana.   La Ley de Privacidad de Datos del Consumidor de Montana (MCDPA, por sus siglas en inglés) es una pieza legislativa determinante que tiene como objetivo proteger la

Montana Consumer Data Privacy Act: Joining the growing list of state privacy laws

Montana Consumer Data Privacy Act is an important piece of legislation which aims to protect the data of Montana consumers.    The Montana Consumer Data Privacy Act (MCDPA) is a landmark piece of legislation that aims to protect the personal information of consumers in Montana. Like other state level privacy laws, the MCDPA aims to