
Category: Privacy


Communication after a data breach: Lessons from the Dutch DPA

The Dutch DPA has emphasised the importance of communication after a data breach, after a 2023 study revealed that many organisations failed to inform victims in a timely manner.   In an age where personal data is often at risk due to cyberattacks and other breaches, individuals affected by data breaches can often feel left

Right to be forgotten: how unfit data deletion protocol resulted in a fine from Dutch DPA

A company was fined by the Dutch Data Protection Agency for failure to delete data after receiving such requests, thereby violating individuals’ right to be forgotten under the GDPR.   The Dutch Data Protection Authority (DPA) has imposed a fine of 6,000 euros on a recruitment company. The company was fined for failing to delete

Combat the threat of cyber attacks: A call to action from the ICO

The ICO has called on organisations to take action to combat the threat of cyber attacks, providing guidance based on 2023 data breach reports.    In light of the escalating risk of cyber threats, The Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) is urging all organisations to strengthen their cyber security measures and safeguard the personal data under

The ICO issues guidance on personal data transfers to the US under UK GDPR

The ICO issues guidance aiming to support organisations conducting personal data transfers to the US using an Article 46 UK GDPR mechanism to those organisations that are not self-certified under the UK Extension to the EU-US DPF.    Transferring personal information across borders has become a crucial aspect of our interconnected world. In the digital

Colorado Privacy Act

The Colorado Privacy Act enhances data control for Colorado residents, contributing to the move towards stronger data protection in the US.   The Colorado Privacy Act (CPA) was signed into law on July 7, 2021, and took effect on July 1st, 2023. Colorado became the third state, after California and Virginia, to enact comprehensive data

Cybersecurity for SMBs: Tips and Strategies for Data Protection

Essential tips and strategies for effective data protection to enhance cybersecurity for SMBs.    The need for robust cybersecurity measures is paramount for businesses of all sizes. Small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs), in particular, face unique challenges in safeguarding their personal data against cyber threats. Data protection is not just a legal obligation but a

The importance of data protection for small and medium-sized businesses

In an increasingly digital world, the importance of data protection for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) is more apparent than ever, particularly to safeguard valuable information and maintain trust with customers.   We live in a world where data is at the core of most businesses. From customer information to employee records, companies rely heavily

How to choose the right outsourced DPO for your tech business

When deciding to outsource DPO services in a tech business, understanding how to choose the right outsourced DPO for your category of tech business is essential.    With the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), tech businesses have had to take their data protection measures more seriously. One aspect of ensuring GDPR compliance

Spam emails result in a £130,000 fine from the ICO

The ICO has fined an online recruitment firm £130,000 after several spam emails were sent out to individuals over a one year period.    A UK-based online recruitment firm, Join the Triboo Limited, has been fined £130,000 by the ICO for sending 107 million spam emails between October 2019 and October 2020 to individuals seeking

ICO issues reprimand to the NHS after a data breach

ICO issues reprimand to the NHS after a data breach exposing sensitive health data of several individuals.    The ICO is calling for the highest standards in HIV services in the wake of a reprimand against NHS Highland. The health board was issued with an enforcement notice, which stated that it had failed to comply