
Category: EU

Transparency obligations under the EU AI Act

Under the EU AI Act, what are transparency obligations imposed upon organisations, and what requirements and implications do these obligations carry?   The EU AI Act aims to regulate the development and use of AI in the EU. One of the key elements of the proposed Act is the requirement for transparency. This means that

General-purpose AI and Systemic risk in the EU AI Act

As Europe continues to embrace the potential of general-purpose AI, it is essential that a calculated approach is taken to address the systemic risks associated with the technology.    General-purpose Artificial Intelligence (GPAI) models are ones that have a wide range of possible uses, both intended and unintended by the developers. They can be used

The new EU AI Regulation: What is it and to whom does it apply?

After final approval by the Council of the EU on May 21, 2024, the EU AI Act is set to go into effect. What does this Regulation entail, and to whom does it apply?   The EU AI Act is a legal framework that aims to regulate the development, deployment, and use of Artificial Intelligence

”Pay or ok” — Does this new paid subscription model invalidate consent?

There has been much debate about the validity of consent under the GDPR as it relates to the “Pay or ok” paid subscription model on social media and other platforms and websites.   Since November 7, European users of Facebook and Instagram have had the option to pay a subscription in exchange for an ad-free

European Data Act enters into force

The European Data Act has entered into force, implementing new rules for a fair and innovative data economy.   The European Data Act recently coming into effect marks a pivotal moment in strengthening data protection measures within the European Union. This legislation aims to establish a framework that ensures a fair and innovative data economy,

Developing the EU AI Act: EU lawmakers discuss revised governance structure

In developing the EU AI act, the European Union is actively working on establishing comprehensive regulations to guide the responsible development and use of artificial intelligence.   In an era characterized by rapid advancements in technology, the European Union continues to address the challenges and opportunities presented by artificial intelligence (AI). EU lawmakers have been

The importance of data protection for small and medium-sized businesses

In an increasingly digital world, the importance of data protection for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) is more apparent than ever, particularly to safeguard valuable information and maintain trust with customers.   We live in a world where data is at the core of most businesses. From customer information to employee records, companies rely heavily

AI action plan outlined by CNIL

The French data protection authority, CNIL has outlined an AI action plan to guide businesses and organisations that are developing AI systems.   The French data protection authority, CNIL, has published a strategic plan on artificial intelligence (AI) to provide guidance to businesses and organisations that are developing AI systems. The plan outlines the principles

ECJ ruling emphasizes importance of data subject rights to information

The ECJ ruling clarifies that data controllers must provide comprehensive and clear information to data subjects regarding the processing of their personal data, including their right to access and rectify their information.   The European Court of Justice (ECJ) has issued a ruling on the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) that emphasizes the importance of

Data protection guide for small businesses published by the EDPB

The EDPB has recently published a data protection guide for small businesses to aid with GDPR compliance.   The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) has released a new guide aimed at helping small businesses comply with the GDPR, as stated in this report. The guide provides a comprehensive overview of the key principles of data