Regulation (EU) 2015/2120 concerning Open Internet Access, the new EU net neutrality law, has been published in EU’s Official Journal. But how open and neutral will Europe’s internet really be from April next year?
In Case C‑325/14 of broadcaster SBS v. SABAM, a copyrights collecting society, the Court of Justice of the EU ruled that point-to-point, direct injection of the broadcasting programmes does not as such constitute communication to the public in the meaning of the Information Society Directive 2001/29/EC.
Following our last month’s first Law for Startups event at TheCube in Shoreditch on privacy and data protection, the series that we are running jointly with qLegal and TheCube is now set to continue.
As expected based on the earlier Advocate General opinion, the ECJ ruled that EU-US Safe Harbour agreement cannot be deemed to provide an adequate level of protection due to mass surveillance measures of the US security agencies.