

Author: cristinac
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Automated Decision Making and the GDPR

In today’s blog we delve into automated decision making and the GDPR. Artificial Intelligence is increasingly becoming ingrained in all facets of our societies and lives. While it certainly heralds an age of cool futuristic technology and applications—facial recognition and self-driving cars for example!—what about when AI is utilized as an automated decision making tool?

Failure to adhere to GDPR’s Right to Object results in EUR 200,000 Fine

Hellenic Telecommunications Company fined EUR 200,000 for failure to remove email addresses from direct marketing database in keeping with GDPR’s right to object. Have you ever clicked unsubscribe from a marketing emailing list but still continued to receive emails? From experience, I’m willing to go out on a limb and say that the likelihood of

“Insights on GDPR in a Data-Driven Economy” forum

Aphaia attended the ‘Insights on GDPR in a Data-Driven Economy” forum jointly organized by Denae and University Queen Mary of London. The “Insights on GDPR in a Data-Driven Economy” forum took place last Tuesday 29th in Madrid. It was a half-day event where some of the most relevant professionals in the industry talked about the

Thailand’s Personal Data Protection Act

Published earlier this year, Thailand’s Personal Data Protection Act will come into full force in May 2020. Today, we live in a highly connected technological era where data is king. Indeed Digitization has resulted in a world where data underpins almost all aspects of our lives to the point where our personal data is constantly

Age Appropriate Design Overview

Expected to come into effect by December 2019, the UK’s Age Appropriate Design Code will be the first of its kind and will have major implications for online services. Statistically speaking it is estimated that by the time a child is 18 there will be 70000 data points about them. With everything we know about


CCPA vs GDPR. In this blog we take a look at similarities and differences between the CCPA and the GDPR.  It has been a year and a half since the GDPR started to apply. Did you think you were done adapting all your data processes to the Regulation? Don’t miss this post! You might still

Apple faces scrutiny for data sharing practices

Apple accused of potential improper data-sharing. Earlier this month American multinational technology company Apple came under scrutiny for its data-sharing practice of sending IP addresses from users of its Safari browser to Google and Chinese-based tech company Tencent. Apple has since defended this practice, noting that it is a Safari Fraudulent Warning security feature aimed

CCPA Regulations Overview

CCPA Regulations, the Californian GDPR? California Attorney General releases draftRegulations under the California Consumer Privacy Act. You think Data Privacy and Data Protection and it’s more than likely that the GDPR or the UK Data Protection Act 2018 will come to mind. This is because over the last few years significant strides have been made

UK Government releases AI procurement guidelines

In today’s blog we review the UK Government’s new draft procurement guidelines for AI.   Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a major part of all our lives and societies. From popular voice command applications like Siri and Alexa; to business spam filters; and connected cars like Tesla; AI is all around us. Increasingly, AI is  being

Aphaia at South Summit 2019!

Aphaia attended the 2019 South Summit in Madrid, Spain. South Summit 2019 took place last week in La Nave, Madrid (Spain). South Summit is an innovation and investing event that has been held annually since 2013. South Summit provides startups, investors and corporations seeking to improve their global competitiveness with the chance to connect and